He scowls. “If you don’t want me to go to the cops right the fuck now, you need to come inside and let me put some ice on your goddamn wrists. That’s the deal I’m offering you. Take it or leave it.”
My lips quirk. “I know you’re a Christian who swears, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard you do it this much, big guy.”
His lips twist into a half smile. “Yeah? I’m fucking pissed off. Can you fucking tell?”
I snort. “Yes.”
He raises both brows. “And the reason your damn wrists don’t hurt is because of the goddamn adrenaline pumping through your veins. I know this, because I’ve sustained a lot of minor injuries during games. You need ice to make the swelling go down. Can you accept my goddamn expertise on this?”
“Yes,” I say, smiling. “I’ll let you get your goddamn fucking ice packs.”
He smiles, and gratitude blooms in my chest. It warms me from the inside out, snuffing out the last vestiges of fear. Why did I never appreciate Ethan’s protectiveness before now? He’s like a warrior, fierce and steadfast.
It’s hot, and it was never hot before. It always seemed presumptuous and condescending. But this new scared Lily could use a protector. At least until she can get over this debilitating anxiety.
Chapter Ten
My hands are still shaking as I reach into the freezer and grab the ice pack. Fuck, I think my entire body is trembling.
I’ve never been so enraged in my life. Mason was squeezing Lily’s wrists, staring into her eyes like he was ready to kill her.
And there she was, my fiery Lily, looking so scared and small, unable to defend herself. It seemed so unlike her. Even though he’s bigger than her, I’d expect her to fight back more than she did. It’s almost as if…
He’s done something in the past. Something that put the fear of God in her.
This is what Kinsley was talking about. This is what she must suspect. Mason was violent with Lily. That’s why she’s been so withdrawn these last several months. That’s why she can’t sleep and her grades are suffering.
This is why God called me to help her. This is why I caught Mason when I did. It was blind luck that I happened to be looking out my window when he approached her. Though I suppose I have been looking out for her a lot recently.
I just have to convince her that she can trust me. That nothing bad is going to happen if she goes to the cops. I’ll make sure Mason never lays a hand on her again, even if I have to watch her like a damn guard dog.
As I turn around to face her, I take a deep breath to calm myself. I can’t let her see my simmering rage. Now is the time to start building her trust in me, to let her know I’m a safe place to lay her troubles.
I walk to where she stands by the counter. Her scent washes over me, sweet and floral. I blink a few times in an attempt to clear my head. “Alright, give me your right hand.”
She holds out her small wrist with the red welts around it, and another rush of rage sizzles through my veins. Oh fuck. How will I ever stand face-to-face with Mason again without punching him in the face?
“You look like you’re ready to murder someone,” she says. “I told you it doesn’t hurt, big guy.”
When my gaze snaps to Lily’s face, she’s staring at me with an exasperated expression. Even in my anger, I find myself smiling.
Big guy.
She’s invented a lot of nicknames for me over the years, especially when I’ve bossed her around. Grumplestiltskin, lord and master, and my recent favorite, her joy vacuum. But something about “big guy” tugs at my heart. It’s softer and almost…affectionate.
She winces as I wrap the ice pack around her wrist and attach the Velcro. I frown. “You said it didn’t hurt.”
She wrinkles her nose. “It doesn’t. I hate the cold. It feels terrible, like pins and needles. I’d rather use a heating pad.”
I shake my head. “It needs to be iced. Heat could make it swell up even more.”
She groans. “Who cares if it feels good?”
“Lily, let me do my job.”
“Are you a doctor now?”