Hunter hides her anxiety well. Last night, she threw open her heart and dove fearlessly into sharing her body. Not once did she seem reluctant. Today, she wears the same casual steeliness, but I’m not fooled.
Nearby, the staff packs her bags into an SUV. Once at the airport, Hunter will take a private jet to Hong Kong. Atticus and a few members of the security and staff will travel with her. Though Hunter wants me to join her, I can’t picture myself on the other side of the world. I haven’t told her no but saying yes doesn’t seem possible.
My Backcountry Kings brothers arrive thirty minutes before our departure time. Bear leads Golden and Indigo. After parking near the line of SUVs, they stroll past security and toward me.
Bear has always stood taller than most guys. When I arrived at the farm as a pissed kid, he intimidated me. I kept expecting him to lash out. He looked angry, always grumbling to himself and snarling at people. However, he soon became one of my favorite people.
“How likely will we see trouble?” Bear asks as he runs his hands through his dark hair and side-eyes security.
“I have no fucking clue,” I tell him as Golden and Indigo join us. “I can’t get a feel for what’s happening here.”
“Why not have one of those snazzy helicopters drop in here and take her?” Golden asks while looking around. “Too many trees?”
“Yeah. Atticus was talking about bringing in a tree service to clear out the area. That would mean postponing the flight. But he decided driving was easier.”
“What’s the hurry to get out of town?”
“Atticus has gotten himself worked up about every car passing the estate. His fear has infected Suzanne. I think Hunter would be fine waiting.”
Bear rubs at his bearded jaw, seeming put out. I know he’s still healing from the attack on the Kovak family’s convoy. He probably shouldn’t be here today. I worry he’ll freeze up if we hit any resistance on the way to the airport.
“Your woman has a powerful friend,” Golden says and gestures over his shoulder to where Noble, Elvis, and a few younger Hills Chapter members roll up.
“Siobhan called in all her favors,” Indigo explains as the men join us. “But mostly, she cried and begged. Caveman finally agreed to send these dumb-shits to get her to quiet down.”
“You’re lucky to have us here to do the heavy lifting, you fucking weak-ass bitch,” Philly spits out before smiling at Noble. “We’re happy to be here, sir.”
After Noble rolls his dark eyes at the younger man’s kiss-ass comment, Elvis huddles with the Hills guys and does his pep talk routine. “We’re in this together. Every man here is family. Hoo-rah!”
Meanwhile, Noble steps closer to me and glances toward the house where Hunter stands.
“Is she all right?”
“My dick broke her a little last night, but she’ll be fine,” I reply and win applause from Bear and Golden while Indigo frowns at how sex is icky and he can’t support my dick’s conquest.
I don’t know if Hunter hears my words or suspects why they’re clapping. Shaking her head, she disappears further inside the house.
“I think you pissed her off,” Indigo says.
Noble nods and pats my shoulder. “It’s best for her to be a little irritated, so she won’t miss you when she’s gone.”
“My heart,” I groan at the thought of Hunter being out of town for God knows how long. “We need to find the fucker doing this and send him to the boneyard.”
After everyone nods at my words, we organize each person’s assignment during the twenty-five-minute ride to the airport.
“Suzanne wanted a police escort,” Noble says, leaning into my ear to share this information. “With how fucking slow the cops reacted during the convoy attack, we don’t want them in charge of this trip. The Syndicate did offer up one of their choppers to keep an eye on possible traffic interference like the assholes pulled against the Kovak family. We’ve got this.”
“But?” I ask, knowing Noble enough to feel when he’s on edge.
“I think we’re getting hit. I don’t know how to explain it, but I felt eyes on us as soon as we reached this neighborhood. Someone’s watching this estate. The enemy knew something was up as soon as we showed up today. Be ready to bleed out there on the road.”
Noble isn’t a drama queen. If his gut says we’ll face trouble on the way to the airport, I can take that shit to the bank.
Calm infects me after spending the night with Tack. I remain wrapped in the blissful feeling while speaking to my mother, sister, and friends. Each one of them sounds more nervous than I feel. Siobhan is especially anxious about my drive to the airport.
“I wiped tears on my dad and uncles,” she adds at the end of the phone call. “They know how important you are to me, so they’re sending extra people.”