“Thank you, but I think wiping snot on them would have been more effective,” I tease, making her laugh. “It’s going to be okay.”
I truly believe my words until the moment Atticus reveals a bulletproof vest for me to wear. I dumbly assumed having Tack and security around would intimidate anyone from attacking me. Who would want to challenge these men and their guns? Would the two guys from the parking garage have attacked if they knew Tack’s man was nearby? Likely no.
The bulletproof vest crashes through my delusion. I instantly begin crying to the point of hyperventilating. Unsure how to handle my emotional side, Atticus backs away. Though Suzanne’s estate manager pats my back, she’s also at a loss. After all, Austen was always the sensitive one.
Suddenly at my side, Tack wraps me in his arms and holds me while I sob. His hand strokes my head. Inhaling his familiar scent, I want to calm down. Except as soon as I think about leaving him, the tears rev back up.
“I’m scared,” I say in a voice gone raspy from crying so hard. “What if something happens to you? Or if Natasha loses Bear because of me? Or if Siobhan’s dad is killed?” I glance at Atticus and the staff preparing for us to leave. “These people have been in my life since I was a kid. They’re family, and I could get them killed.”
“You’re not doing anything, Hunter. Whatever happens is caused by the asshole masterminding this bullshit. The people coming with us signed up for this. No one is forcing their hand. We want to get you safely out of town,” he says and kisses my forehead. “Even if it’ll kill me to have you so far away.”
Cupping his face, I nearly beg, “You could come with me. Anything you need, I’ll get for you there. We could be together.”
Tack smiles at my scared babbling. “You know I can’t go.”
“No, I don’t think I do know that.”
“It’ll drive me crazy hiding out with you when I feel like I should be here killing the bad guys.”
“We could sightsee,” I suggest, zeroing in on how we could turn the trip into a vacation. “I’d wear a bikini. You could wear a Speedo. It would be fun.”
Tack smirks. “Maybe. I mean that speedo part is pretty damn tempting.”
“But not me in a bikini?”
“Baby,” he says as his fingers slide down my spine, “I witnessed you in all your pale, freckled perfection this morning. How’s a bikini going to compete with that?”
Smiling at the affection in his voice, I feel my heart unclenching. The fear fades, and I get myself under control.
Tack is a man with a lot of pressure riding on his shoulders today. If I’m hurt, he’ll blame himself. If his club family gets hurt, he’ll claim the responsibility for their pain. Hell, even if my staff or a bystander gets injured, Tack will figure he screwed up somewhere along the way.
“Today’s success or failure isn’t all on you,” I tell him as his thumb wipes a stray tear from my cheek. “However, I expect you to take full responsibility for your dick breaking me.”
Tack chuckles at my scowl. “I suffered a lot of razzing while my dick was holstered during the last few years. So, bragging at winning access to all this,” he says as his hand caresses my back, “felt warranted.”
Despite the casual affection between us, I struggle against my lingering fear. I’m ready to give this man everything and go all-in on this relationship. Leaving feels like a mistake.
“I love you,” I murmur. “No matter what happens, don’t ever doubt you were the only man I ever wanted.”
Tack frowns at my words, hearing the panic in my voice. “If things go wrong today, and these fuckers grab you, stay alive and sane. We’ll find you. Never doubt that.”
His words hit hard. A part of me has been weighing my options if I get cornered with no escape. Wouldn’t death be better than whatever sick shit could happen to me?
Tack makes me focus on staying alive. I plan to be just as tenacious today. Best case scenario, my stubborn nature will convince Tack to travel with me to Hong Kong. Worst case scenario, I’ll remain resolute as my life is turned upside down.
We leave just after lunch when Banta City traffic isn’t so menacing. Elvis and the Hills Chapter guys take off seven minutes beforehand to check our route. The little black chopper arrives on time with two Kovak Syndicate men inside. They’ll relay information to us during the trip.
As the chopper takes flight, Hunter and her security leave in three identical cars. She’s located in the first vehicle. I give her one final kiss before shutting her door and climbing on my motorcycle.
The first ten minutes of the trip are smooth. When the chopper gives us word of an accident on the highway, we take the next exit before we’re closed in. The side streets move along easily. Elvis and the Hills Chapter members speed around traffic, staying ahead of us and looking for issues.
I roll past Hunter’s SUV more than once. At a light, I smile at her. Hunter touches the glass, seeming worried about me. I wish I could kiss her. We’d both calm down if I could taste her lips right now.
Once we’re far enough past the traffic accident, our group returns to the highway and makes up time. We take the airport exit without issue. I’ve started to calm down and wonder what happens when we’re at the plane. Will I have the balls to fly off with Hunter to Hong Kong?
I’ve only traveled to beach locations with my club family. What is there to even do in Hong Kong? Though I really don’t want to travel anywhere, I find myself panicking whenever I consider Hunter leaving on the plane without me.