Page 51 of Unforgivable Fate

He nodded.

“This whole bond thing is a little weird.” Nova giggled. “I forget you can sense my moods.”

“Should come in handy so I’ll always know when you’re mad at me though.” He grinned before raising an eyebrow, “So, are you allowed to tell me what’s going on with Luna? She looked a little better when she left. Still sickly, but not so worried.”

“If I tell you, then you have to promise to keep it secret.” Nova smiled up at him.

“Scouts honor.”

“She thought she was sick. She was scared it was something horrible and asked me to look into her future.”

“And you were able to?”

“Yeah. Just like with Leo and Darius. I held her hand and let my mind search and all of a sudden it was there, as clear and bright as if it was happening right in front of me.”

“So what did you see?” He tilted his head curiously.

“She’s not sick.” Nova snorted, “Well, she is, but only because she’s pregnant again.”

“Oh wow.” Griffin grinned. “She’s pregnant?”

“Yep. With twins again. Girls this time.”

His eyes went wide, “Twin girls? A matching set just like the boys. That’s going to be…”

“Fun to watch?” Nova offered when he trailed off and he chuckled.

“I was going to say a blessing.”

She rolled her eyes, “Oh don’t tell me you’re one of those that wants a big family with a dozen kids.”

“I’d settle for four or five.” He grinned and pulled her closer, “I told you. I like kids.”

“We are not having four or five children.” She laughed, trying to squirm away from him.

“We’ll see about that.” He swung her up and over his shoulder and she squealed with laughter, “I think we should get started right away.”

“Griffin!” She smacked his ass playfully, “Put me down you big brute!”

He bit her thigh where it dangled close to his chin and she screamed again. He laughed as he carried her inside. She was wiggling so much he was certain he’d drop her if he tried to get them all the way to the bed so instead he changed tactics and flipped her back over onto the edge of the kitchen table.

“Rude.” Nova huffed, shaking her locs out of her face.

“Let me make it up to you.” He grinned, lifting her up enough to get a hand into her shorts and tug them down her legs before letting her drop back to the table, now naked from the waist down. “Mmm, you smell so good.”

“Griffin.” She hissed his name when he spread her legs and went to his knees is front of her. “I haven’t even showered yet.”

“You think that’s going to deter me?” He growled against her thigh, kissing the spot where he’d nipped at her. “You smell like us and it’s making my mouth water. I bet I can still taste us too. Making you come last night, spilling my seed inside you, makes me wonder if you might already have one of our babes growing inside you.”

He licked from her thigh to the crease between her legs and hummed. Nova gasped and arched her body. She might be protesting with her mouth but she wanted this just as much as he did. God, he wondered if there would ever come a day in their life that he wasn’t absolutely ravenous to taste her and touch her and be inside of her.

“Griffin.” she gasped when he put his mouth on and he groaned.

“You can try to convince me this isn’t what you want but sweetheart, you’re so damn wet. You’re dripping for me. You love me talking about making you come and putting a baby inside you.”

He glanced up, waiting for some smartass remark or denial but Nova only bit into her bottom lip and shook her head. He smiled. He was right and they both knew it. Seeing her like this, spread open for him, eyes closed and face flushed with pleasure, filled him with so much love that he almost told her right then and there.

Instead, he put his mouth back on her, deciding to show her instead.