Page 50 of Unforgivable Fate

“That’s… not possible.”

“Honey, I’ve seen you with your mate. We both know it certainly is.”

Luna rolled her eyes pulling her hands away, “Not that. I just mean… it’s been years since the boys were born and no matter if we tried or didn’t, I’ve never gotten pregnant again. I guess I just thought we were done and heaven knows the boys are more than enough for me to handle.”

“It seems like fate’s decided that now’s the time because you’re definitely pregnant.”

“But I wasn’t sick like this with the boys. I had a few aches and pains but… nothing like this.”

Nova gave her sister a knowing look, “That’s because they were boys and this baby isn’t.”

“A girl?” Luna gasped again.

“Remember how sick both Zoey and Maya were with their girls? Those pregnancies were hard and they weren’t carrying twins like you are.”

Luna’s eyes went wide, “No.”


“No.” She looked like she was going to cry again and Nova held back a laugh.

“Twin girls this time.” She smirked, “Congratulations?”

Luna laughed too. She laughed so hard she started crying. And Nova laughed with her. They hugged and held onto one another and Nova couldn’t stop smiling. She was going to have two more nieces very soon.

This couldn’t have been the source of the bad feeling she’d had earlier. It just couldn’t. This was good news. She pulled away from her sister and wiped the happy tears from her cheeks.

“We should go make sure your boys haven’t hog tied and strung up my mate.”

Luna laughed again, “I would say that maybe since Maya and I are both knocked up again, it’s possible after this full moon you might be joining us in this condition, but not if you don’t get that man away from my kids. They’re liable to convince him to never reproduce.”

Nova grinned. She was more certain than ever that nothing could convince Griffin not to live their life to the fullest. He’d said he wanted a home, a mate and a family. She had given him all of that but she could still give him more. She could make him a father and someday, she would.


Griffin waved as he watched Luna and her sons disappear into the tree line, headed back towards Moirae land. Nova had walked her sister out of the house a few minutes ago and he had been happy to see that Luna looked much less frightened than she had when she arrived. He hadn’t asked and Luna hadn’t shared what she and Nova had seen or discussed. Instead she’d thanked him for looking after the boys and after he’d assured her it had been his pleasure, they’d said goodbye and promised to visit again soon, once Luna was feeling better.

“Thank you.” Nova slid her arms around him once they were gone and he looked down at her curiously.

“For what?”

“Keeping Luna’s kids alive while we were inside. I’m aware it’s a much tougher job than most people realize.”

Griffin chuckled, wrapping her in his arms, “They’re not that bad. They’re just boys.”

“Shifter boys with a lot of energy and no sense of self preservation.” She deadpanned and he shook his head.

“I think that’s just part of being a kid. Not that I would know. I don’t really remember a time when I got to just be a kid, not after what Maddox did.”

Nova winced, “I’m sorry. I didn’t think about being around them bringing up bad memories for you.”

“No, it’s okay. Hanging out with them was a nice reminder that I have a new life here, a new family, and this time I’m going to enjoy every single second of it.”

“I like the sound of that.” Nova tiptoed up and brushed their lips together.

“Speaking of, I wasn’t trying to listen in, and God knows with those boys being loud as a parade I couldn’t, but I think I felt your emotions through the bond. You seemed… surprised but also… delighted, maybe?”

“Wow. You felt that?”