Page 61 of Falcon

“You bet. Hawk asked me to check something, too, so I gotta run. But I’ll let you know if I see anything.”

“Thanks, Keys.”

I watched him go down the hall. I wanted to go find my woman, but my phone vibrated so I pulled it out. Church.

Fuck. I looked around and didn’t see her, so I shot a text that I had club business but to let me know where she was so I could find her when I was done.

I stopped at the bar and Sugar put a beer bottle down and gave me a tight smile before she turned and walked away. Her face wasn’t bruised anymore, but apparently she finally got the message. I didn’t want to put the woman out on her ass, but it was nice to not have her on my nuts for once.

Eagle caught up to me and we walked together. “Wonder what’s up now.”

“Not sure. But I’m ready to chill. It’s been a long couple of days and we have a run coming up.”

“Amen, brother.”

Red and Hawk were there when we walked into the room and sat. Once Butch came in, Hawk got straight to it. “Petrov called. Word floating around is this guy Tony Romano was trying to gain traction in Jersey. Failed with arms dealing.”

“So, he started dealing women,” I finished. I knew of Tony from Daisy, and Eagle had mentioned Lacy said something about him, too.

“What’s that got to do with us?” Butch asked.

Hawk’s piercing eyes shot at me. “Apparently, he’s pissed at, and I quote, ‘a group of dirty bikers from Georgia.’”

Eagle spoke up, “He had cameras? Because how else would he know where we’re from?”

Hawk tapped his finger on the table. “Maybe. Either way, he has a bead on us. But we still need to get our goods on schedule. We already have buyers waiting on the next shipment.”

I looked down at the table. Despite everything, I wasn’t sorry we caused Tony problems. I wouldn’t have Daisy if we hadn’t. Plus, there was some shit going down with that guy and it wasn’t anything we were okay with. “What’s your plan, Prez?” I had to say something so he knew I hadn’t checked out. I may have not been sorry about what went down but I didn’t want to bring more problems to our doorstep.

“We go as planned, but with a few changes to our route.”

My eyes shot to him. I was in charge of the route, and he hadn’t mentioned anything to me. Did he not trust me?

Hawk stood up. “Same security on the businesses as last time. We still haven’t nailed down this local crime ring, either. We can’t make the same mistake as Pops. I don’t think we’re in the clear.”

Red chimed in. “How do you know? We’ve all been watching and asking around. I haven’t heard shit besides what Jackal said, and we don’t know how good his sources are.”

“I won’t speak for everyone else, but I trust Jackal,” I said.

Hawk crossed his arms. “We’ll figure this out. But until then, everyone has to stay vigilant and make sure to communicate with each other.”

Hawk knocked on the table, so we all stood. I hung back and the other guys seemed to get the hint I wanted to talk to him alone.

“What’s up, Falcon?”

“What can I do to help?”

He looked me in the eye, his expression serious. “Just do your job and we’ll be good.”

“What changes do we have on the ride? We need to know.”

“We don’t have any changes. But I’m not sure everyone is with us. You get me? We run like normal, but I want to see if that prompts anything off. Whoever this is probably plans shit based on our normal schedule, our known routes, our routine. We don’t have to change, we just need to see who gets tripped up with that info.”

I walked to the door and pulled it open, making sure nobody was eavesdropping. I closed it again and walked closer to Hawk. “I get you, brother. I spoke to Keys. I think he’s clean.”

Hawk nodded. “Me, too. And I’ve given him a special project to get done for me. Hopefully we’ll know more when we get back. Enjoy the next few days and get some rest. Petrov has extra eyes on the route and his reach for cops has been extended, but only through Northern Virginia. I’ve spoken to our friends in blue, but that only goes so far. We need to be cautious. Now more than ever.”

I grabbed my beer and followed Hawk out of the room. I pulled my phone out and almost smiled when I read the text.