Page 60 of Falcon

His hand still cupped my cheek, so I wrapped my hand around his wrist. “Falcon, if you know something, don’t you think I should know?”

He ground his teeth for a few seconds. “I don’t know anything for sure. But I’ll have to do some shit for Hawk soon and we have another run coming. There’s only a few guys I trust with you. I can tell you that.”

“Is something happening?” His tone and his words made me uneasy.

“I don’t think so. Just be aware of your surroundings when I’m not around, okay?” His other hand was at my hip, and it was gripping me hard.

“Okay. I promise.”

The hand he used to cup my face went to the back of my head and pulled me to him. The kiss was deep and hard, but not in a sexual way. It was what I’d imagine a going away kiss would be like. But he wasn’t going anywhere for a couple of weeks, and that was for only two days; not even two whole days, if it was the same as last time.

“Falcon, what’s wrong?” I asked when I was able to come up for air.

His hazel eyes bored into mine. His lip twitched like he was considering saying something else, but then the door opened and someone walked to the counter to sign in.

“Hi, I have an appointment. I’m a few minutes early,” the goth girl said. She was much more perky than she looked.

He straightened in his chair, shoved the rest of his burger in his mouth, and stood. He wiped his face and grabbed all the trash, then leaned down to kiss the top of my head before he started to walk away. “I gotta get ready for my next appointment.”

The knots in my stomach told me something was up, but I did my best to smile and make the client feel welcome as I checked her in.

What had my normally calm man so on edge?

Chapter 36


After paying attention around the club and piecing things together, I was able to eliminate a lot of brothers as the possible traitor.

I needed pretty hard evidence before taking it to Hawk. Of course, we all were suspicious of everything and everyone, but suspicion didn’t mean guilt. My gut was never wrong. I had my ideas, but I needed to get solid proof.

We went on a few local runs to move the weapons we had in stock and I was paying extra attention to everything. Those drops had been uneventful, but I still had asked Blaze and Rooster to hang around the clubhouse and keep an eye on Daisy. I also encouraged Hawk to put some extra guys at Destiny’s Desires, the strip club Mama Hen ran. The bar was already covered and not many bunnies were there; they mostly were at the strip club or the clubhouse. The bar was more of a pit stop for other bikers, nomads and weekend riders. It was right next to a hotel so they could get hammered and go sleep it off before hitting the road again. I wasn’t worried about our shop since it was near a shopping center and some fast-food places. We also had a couple of officers there along with a couple of members. Blaze and Scar had been with us for a long time, minded their business, and did what was asked of them.

A few of the nomads had been around for a few weeks now. I still wasn’t convinced any of them had anything to do with Raven’s assassination, but a couple guys kept trying to plant seeds. I just couldn’t see how anyone who wasn’t close to Raven would have been able to pull off what happened.

That really only left a few options in my mind.

“Hey, man,” I said when I saw Keys as I walked into the clubhouse after a drop.

“Hey. How was the drop?” he asked as he brushed his wavy hair from his eyes.

“Smooth. Anything strange to report?” I didn’t really think Keys would betray us, but if anyone had the opportunity, it would be him. He had access to everyone’s whereabouts at all times and could tap into their phones. He could tap into anything if given just a little info.

“Sorry. I’ve been scanning everything. Nothing stands out. But like I told Hawk, if I notice anything out of sorts, you’ll all be alerted.”

“Thanks man. And you still uh…”

“Don’t worry, brother, she’s on the rotation when you’re not with her.”

I gripped his shoulder. “I appreciate it. We gotta head back up soon. Keep an eye on her. I told her this time she wasn’t stuck here.”

His brows shot up. “You serious?”

A growl rumbled in my chest. “Well, I didn’t say she can go on a fucking road trip. She just doesn’t have to sit here. She’s been working at the shop and doesn’t see why she can’t go in just because I’m not there.”

“I gotchu, brother. When you guys leaving?”

“In a couple of days. Normal turnaround. Just keep an eye on her and the businesses.”