Page 18 of Cruel Steps

“Screw you, Holden. Just because I’m not a stick like Hope doesn’t mean I can’t dance.” I kneed him in the balls and jogged up the rest of the stairs, eager to get back to my bedroom. My heart pounded, and I worried I’d gone too far, preparing for him to follow and repay the favor.

“Stupid, stupid,” I muttered, running down the hall. I peeked over my shoulder when I reached my door and pressed in the code. I’d installed a keypad like the one from my apartment, figuring it would be harder for Hope to manipulate.

“Come on.”

The green light beeped, and I slid into my room just as I saw his shadow crest at the end of the hall. Quickly, I ran into the bathroom and locked his side, turning on the shower before I slid to the ground. Tears ran down my face as the adrenaline crashed through me. I shouldn’t have done that, but hearing him laugh at me reminded me too much of Hope, and I couldn’t take it anymore.

A fist banged on the door, and I screamed. “Ah! I’m sorry. Don’t hurt me!”

“What?” He paused. “Emerson, let me in.”


His fist banged against the door, softer this time, and I could almost picture him leaning against it. I heard his inhale of breath, ruining the illusion that he couldn’t hear me with the water running. Just great. How many times have I had a little me time in the shower? My cheeks heated, and I stood, moving closer to my door.

“Listen, I’m sorry. I wasn’t laughing at you. The dance team at Hayward is dumb. It’s a bunch of girls who want to shake their asses and go home with football players.”

“Your sister’s on the team…”

“Believe me, I know.” He sighed, and I bit my lip. He sounded sincere. “You could out-dance any of those girls any day of the week, Wildcat. You’re a fantastic dancer.”

The praise warmed my chest, and I placed my hand on the doorknob. Maybe he wasn’t as much of a dick as I thought.

“If you go out for the team, Hope will see it as an act of war. Don’t do this. If you’re telling the truth about not bullying my sister, then leave it alone, Emerson.”

I jerked my hand back like I’d been burned and my heart squeezed tight in my chest. Of course, his trust in me had conditions. He only wanted me out of Hope’s way. He didn’t actually believe me.

God, I was so dumb.

“Not happening, Jockstrap. And if you tell her, that knee to the balls will feel like a tickle!”

“Fucking Hell, Emerson! Just leave it alone!”

“No can do! Next time you see me, I’ll be a Wolfette. Mark my words, Adler!”

He mumbled something that sounded like ‘infuriating gorgeous woman,’ but I couldn’t be sure.

“Then hurry up. You’re not the only one who needs the shower. And clean up all your stuff. I know you’re used to someone picking up after you, but I’m tired of staring at bras.”

Anger rose, and I clenched my fists as I shook with rage. He didn’t want to see my bras? Well, too bad! He was getting my bras, panties, and anything else I could find. His sister had already taken over my bedroom; I’d be damned if I’d let him steal this bathroom from me, too.

“Game. Fucking. On. Holden!”

After a long shower, where I let the hot run until it was cold, I decorated the bathroom in my sexiest panties and bras before kissing the mirror and leaving Holden a message.

“Enjoy the lingerie. It’s all you’ll get to see of mine ever again, Jockstrap.”

It was quiet on his side when I unlocked the door and slipped into my room. I plugged my phone in to charge and spotted a new message from Colter. We hadn’t gotten together yet, but we’d been texting back and forth every couple of days. Neither of us had been available between my training and his work schedule. Plus, my mind had been preoccupied with my revenge on Hope. Still, taking things slow and getting to know each other felt nice. It helped ease the worry his attraction was all a prank.

Magic 8-ball: Today at work, I had to escort a couple using the stacks to get frisky out. How was your day?

Emerson: Nothing that exciting. I kneed my step-brother in the nuts.

Magic 8-ball: Ouch. My balls are weeping in sympathy.

Magic 8-ball: Did he deserve it?

Emerson: Definitely.