Emerson: Are you ready for classes to start on Monday?
Magic 8-ball: Yes and No. Senior year is weird.
Emerson: I bet. Did your roommate move in yet?
Magic 8-ball: Not yet. Hopefully, this weekend.
Magic 8-ball: Did you find out what dorm you’re in?
Emerson: Nope. I’ll be on campus tomorrow. I’ll stop by and ask.
Magic 8-ball: Good to know I need to wear protective gear tomorrow. Mer’s gonna be on campus. No chests are safe!
Emerson: Haha. But yes. Beware!
Magic 8-ball: Night, Mer.
Emerson: Night, Col.
Sighing into my pillow, I drifted off to sleep, dreaming of seeing Colter tomorrow and Hope’s face when I made the dance team.
A loud banging woke me the next morning, followed by a long moan, and my body heated in response. Bolting upright, I panted as every nerve ending in my body came awake. Memories of Holden touching, kissing, and licking me roared to life. His moans grew louder, almost sounding like he was in the room with me. Did the bathroom amplify the noise?
Gripping the sheets, I listened unabashedly as my brain imagined him in the shower, water running over him as he stroked his cock. Damn, he’d had a nice dick. Long and thick, he’d filled me up better than anyone before. It had, hands down, been the best night of my life, and my body hadn’t forgotten.
My nipples pebbled, and my pussy throbbed, the image of him in the shower morphing to him fucking me. Braced against the bench, his thrusts hard as he pounded me from behind, the water rolling over our slick bodies.
Before I could think better of it, I opened my nightstand and pulled out my vibrator. Shoving off my panties, I scooted under the comforter to muffle the sound and even tossed a pillow between my legs to decrease the noise. It was one thing to masturbate to him enjoying himself. It was quite another for him to know I was getting off because of him, too.
Wrenching my shirt up, I flipped on the bright pink vibrator and spread my legs wide. Holden continued to moan in the bathroom, and I closed my eyes, bringing up the image of the two of us together. He’d been so hungry for me, loving and cherishing every inch of my body. Desire pounded through my veins with each thrust, my back bowing at the intensity my mind and vibrator brought. I could almost hear the way our skin would sound against one another. My slicked pussy trembled as I pushed the vibrator deeper, my moans joining the fray. I couldn’t stop myself now if I tried.
My mind was a bevy of images, real and imagined, and my orgasm responded with might. My pussy spasmed as the most powerful orgasm I’d had in months crescendoed. Every muscle trembled while lightning raced up my back and spread through every inch of me. My chest heaved, and I struggled to catch my breath as my heart beat hard from the orgasm. Turning off the vibrator, I collapsed into a puddle under my covers, and a contented sigh left me.
It was only when the blood pounding in my ears died that I noticed his moaning had also stopped, along with the shower. My heart jumped, and my feel-good bliss faded. Had he heard me? I sat up, giving my vibrator a disgusted look. It was its fault I’d lost focus, filling me with all those feel-good vibes. Damn. Straining my ears, I listened for any sound, but it was quiet now. Too quiet.
A minute later, the door to Holden’s room closed in the hallway, and I heard his retreating steps as he crossed in front of my door. Sighing in relief, I climbed out of bed and stripped the sheets, tossing them into the hamper. Contrary to Holden’s remark last night, I’d never had anyone pick up after me. I did my laundry and cleaned up after myself. The hard part was adjusting to sharing a space with someone when I’d been an only child with my own bathroom.
Who cared if I left stuff out? No one, that’s who. It wasn’t like it was hurting him. Or that I’d suddenly become messier to taunt him. Nope.
After changing the sheets, I packed my gym bag and grabbed the clothes I’d wear to school for the tryout. Just because I felt confident auditioning didn’t mean I hadn’t learned a thing or two about avoiding being bullied. Locker rooms were a cesspool of mean comments and innuendos, not to mention the high probability of someone messing with your stuff. There were moments from freshman year I blocked out after one too many encounters with Hope and her minions in the locker room.
Shuddering, I gathered my clothes and my vibrator to wash. Hesitantly, I pushed open the bathroom door. I’d expected Holden to have some response to my gift last night, but seeing the bathroom empty of my lingerie wasn’t it. Standing slack-jawed in the doorway, it took me a few minutes to remind my feet to move. Placing my stuff on the counter, I pulled out the toy cleaner I kept under the sink and used it to clean my vibrator, leaving it to dry on a towel.
Once that was done, I opened every drawer and cabinet, searching for my stuff. I even took out every towel and washcloth, looking between them and shaking them out to see if he’d hidden them inside. Huffing, I stared around at the towels and contents of the drawers discarded where I’d tossed them and realized I’d been played.
He took them.
A thrill ran up my body, and I shivered at the delicious thought of facing off with him. I shouldn’t. Holden was dangerous and technically off-limits, considering our parents had just gotten married, but I knew I wouldn’t stop. He was too addicting and alluring, and I’d rather go back and forth with him than be ignored.
Folding the towels, I placed them back into the linen closet when an idea struck. Grinning, I took them all and stored them in my closet, leaving him only a washcloth. Giggling as I showered, I noticed how energized I felt. Revenge was a great motivator.
Why had I wasted so much time hiding from Hope? Ah, yeah, I’d believed it was easier to give in and that someday she’d grow bored and stop. Hello, delusion!