“Like a kink contract?” I asked. When I was still hanging out at Club Crimson, I’d heard subs talk about being nervous and excited about signing their first contracts.
“Kind of. We’ll go over what we expect and want from the kink side of our relationship, including anything that might be triggering, and hard limits. What is going on between the two of us is more than just a D/s relationship. I care about you, Mouse, and I see something between us that could be amazing, but I’ll be honest, that frightens the hell out of me.”
I gave a watery laugh, blinking back happy tears. “I’m shitting myself. I mean, you’ve seen my track record with guys.” I picked up Cal’s hand where it lay on my thigh and held it. “I’ve always been a bit of a brat and seeking out pain isn’t just about the shit I carry up here.” I tapped my head, smiling. “Thing was, Ziggy always said I was fucked up for wanting it. When we were together, he freaked out when I brought up going to Crimson and trying some of the couples’ courses they offer. I should have known seeing him at The Pit was a big, red flag. I can’t believe I was so fucking stupid to go with him.”
“Ziggy is lucky I didn’t do worse than punch his fucking nose. You did nothing wrong. That fucker took advantage, he knew you and he preyed on that. But you can understand why I want to start this off right.” Cal gave me an arch look, waiting for my answer.
“Yeah, I guess we need to do this right.” I squeezed his hand. “But just so you know, I was totally on board with the chastity. The whole idea makes me feel squirmy and freaked out, but in a hot way. Different to what pain gives me.”
I bit my lip, mulling over what Cal had said. That he cared about me. That this wasn’t just some mutual, kinky agreement, but more. With Cal, I would be able to open myself up, explore things I’d only thought about in the quiet of my own head. “I have a bad habit of driving people away or shutting them out when I think they’re getting too close to seeing the shit inside my head.” I tried to take a breath, forcing the words out. I had a chance here with Cal and I needed to be honest, but being under the intense focus of his steel grey eyes made it hard to focus. Part of me wanted to avoid talking, to sink to my knees and show him I could be a good boy. I’d fantasised about sucking on that gorgeous cock for years now. But I could say with certainty that Callum would see through my distraction.
“Talk to me, lamb.” Cal’s tone was as gentle as his touch, and I fought the urge to deflect, lifting his hand to kiss his fingertips gently.
“You have been the ideal in my head for so long, but I was never sure what that actually was. Did I want a Dom, a Daddy, or a boyfriend? Would I shut down if I thought you—we—were getting too close?” I sighed, trying to formulate my words.
“I won’t let you shut me out, little Mouse. And why can’t I be all three? Honestly, I’m scared too. We’re going from zero to a million. But I don’t want to stop now, and as far as relationship track records go, mine is pretty shit. Before Penny, I’d been just enjoying life, dating, but nothing serious. Mostly subs from the different clubs, but nothing deep.”
“I always wondered about Penny.” I kept myself from asking why he’d been with a cold, calculating bitch like her. But I guess I didn’t school my expression very well, because Callum chuckled.
“I’m not going to say she was different when we met, because she wasn’t. She was a driven person who wanted to make money and have a comfortable life. We would meet up and have fun, but we’d then go off and live our own lives. When she found out she was pregnant she wasn’t thrilled, and I didn’t feel it was my place to make demands. We moved in together and I thought we had at least a slim chance of making it work.” Cal shrugged. “That was the hope, but it didn’t work out that way. But I have an amazing little girl, and I’ve tried to be the best father I can be. And now it’s time for me to get some happiness for myself. I believe I’ll get that with you, lamb.”
“You’re an amazing dad.” I answered, but I couldn’t help but give a cheeky wink. “And I think you’re going to be a pretty awesome Daddy, too.”
Cal’s deep chuckle made me giggle in response. His warm hands stroked my thighs, and his smile turned sultry. “I think on our days alone, I’m going to demand you spend your time with me naked.”
I shivered. The idea of being naked and ready for Callum’s needs excited me. I’d never done this sort of play before. It had always been just for an evening here and there when I could get to the club, and the last while I’d only been going to The Pit, where there were no caring Doms or fun scenes. It was just get in, get my arse beaten, and head home.
“We’re going to have to be careful around Alice,” I said. “I don’t want to do anything that would be inappropriate around her.”
“I think she’ll notice things have changed between us, but I know for a fact she adores you. And for our play time, we can make sure it’s behind closed bedroom doors, or when she’s at Mum’s on the weekend. We can make this work.” Cal gave a crooked smile.
I brought my hands to his belt, licking my lips and making a bit of a show of it, I admit. “So now we’ve talked, do I get to suck you off?” I couldn’t resist giving him a cheeky grin. Cal’s eyes narrowed as he lifted his hand and brought it down hard on the bare flesh of my arse.
The sharp slap to my arse made my dick twitch, but it was the steely look Cal gave me that made my whole body burn.
“You want to play now, is that it, lamb?” Cal gave me a searching look. I knew he was worried about my back and my headspace, but I needed this. To submit to him would settle something inside of me.
I straightened my shoulders and lifted my chin. “Think you’re up to the challenge, Daddy?”
“Boy, your mouth is going to get you into trouble, and that is going to be a lot of fun for me.” Cal lifted me off his lap, setting me on my feet before he stood. For a moment he just looked at me, and I stared right back.
“I want an honest answer. You lie to me, and we stop this. I only want to hear the truth from you, boy.”
Oh, damn. Did it just get hot in here?
Daddy Cal had left the building, and in his place stood my Dom, in all his sexy glory. Shirtless and dressed in an old, frayed pair of black denim jeans, he oozed authority and dominance.
He was Sir.
Standing this close, I could lean in and lick across the dark ink that wove over his pectorals, but Cal’s voice broke me out of my horny musings.
“You just going to stand there looking pretty, or answer me?”
“I won’t lie to you, Sir.” For once in my life, I believed those words. I didn’t want to hide anything from him.
The corners of his mouth curled up at the title. “How is your back?”
“It’s fine, Sir, only hurts if I bend too much. And my headache’s gone, I promise.” I wasn’t lying, the headache had passed, thankfully. And my back, while it twinged and ached a little when I moved suddenly, wasn’t terrible.