“Yes, lamb. If you try your hardest to be a good boy for me, I’ll reward you with all the pain you can handle,” I promised, ghosting my lips over Mouse’s cheek.
“I’ll try, but I’m going to fuck up. I’m terrible at following rules. I forget stuff I’m supposed to be doing and get sidetracked a lot,” Mouse sighed.
“You do, but I promise I’m not setting you up to fail. Mind you, I will have fun with punishments.” I laughed, knowing Mouse’s mouth would get him in trouble more often than not. The man didn’t have a filter, regardless of who he was talking to, and keeping him focused on a chore was often a battle of wills. But now I’d be able to do more than just roll my eyes and beg him to behave. I almost chuckled aloud, picturing him trying to work with a paddled arse. In that moment, I realised just how much we both needed this. I released his cock and brought my hand around to stroke his back, mindful of his welts. “We’re in this together now, Mouse.”
“You promise? This isn’t just some kinky fun and then back to normal?” Mouse asked quietly.
“I promise. This isn’t some game, Mouse. I don’t know what’s going to happen in the future, but I know this thing between us is something I want to explore. I want to know what’s going on in here”—I tapped Mouse’s head—“and here.” I laid my other hand over his heart.
He brought his own hand up to cover mine. “This sounds almost too perfect. Like I’m going to wake up tomorrow and realise this was all some sort of dream.”
I pulled him against me and kissed him slowly. His mouth opened against mine and I stroked my tongue against his in a slow dance. I moved my hands to cradle his face, controlling the kiss, giving this beautiful man the proof he needed. Pulling away, I couldn’t help but smile at the blissed-out expression on his face.
“Does that feel like a dream?”
“A particularly dirty dream I had a few nights ago, maybe. I think I might need some more kisses to make sure it’s real.”
I was more than happy to agree. We kissed until our lips were red and swollen, and I was certain Mouse was going to have some epic beard burn on his throat where I’d found a particularly sensitive spot.
At some point we ended up sprawled out on the sofa, Mouse straddling my hips as we continued to kiss like horny teenagers. He reacted to every touch and caress like it might be his last, and I started to understand just how touch starved he was.
At some point our shirts ended up on the floor, and our naked chests were pressed against each other as we kissed and ground together. I couldn’t keep the silly grin from my face as Mouse slid down my body, seemingly intent on kissing every inch of my chest. He seemed taken with my nipple rings, tugging and teasing them. I growled in pleasure as he tugged gently at them with his teeth. I was hard, but in no rush to do anything about it, enjoying the way Mouse found pleasure in exploring my body.
He released my nipple ring from his teeth, the pleasant sting making my balls tingle, and then grinned like the proverbial cat. “So, these hypothetical restrictions on my dick, were they going to start now, or could I maybe get another orgasm or five in?” He grinned, resting his arms on my chest and giving me a relaxed smile.
I loved seeing him like this, relaxed and smiling. I was under no illusions that Mouse was a brat of the finest type—I’d seen that side of him often enough—but to now be able to curb some of those more impulsive decisions, and to be there as his Dom and Daddy? I was excited about the possibilities.
“It’s not hypothetical, lamb, unless you use your safe word. Tonight, I’ll be caging that cute little cock of yours once I’ve wrung a few more orgasms out of you.” I tugged gently on his hair. “You’re with me now, so safe words are the rule, and we’ll go with ginger to stop, and green and yellow. We should talk about boundaries and hard limits. I know you went to The Pit because you didn’t want them, but you must know that’s not healthy or safe.”
Mouse’s gaze dropped to where his hands rested on my stomach. “I fucked up, I know that, but it didn’t feel like anyone was listening to me. Or they thought what I needed—what I wanted—was too much. I needed to hurt, to be used. I…I liked the fear that things could go too far. Maybe in some sick way, I hoped that it would.”
The weight of what Mouse had been carrying emotionally had worn him down. He’d been good at hiding it from us, and I felt a pang of guilt, wishing I’d seen it sooner. But perhaps if I had, I wouldn’t have been ready to take that leap myself, to be the man and Daddy Mouse needed.
Cupping Mouse’s chin, I lifted his face. He kept his eyes downcast, perhaps waiting for me to scold him for his actions, but that wasn’t going to happen.
“Lamb, look at me.” Cal’s voice was firm.
This was it. This was where Cal told me it was going to be too much. I was too much. I could deal with it. I wasn’t going to cry or make a scene. I blinked rapidly, trying to will the impending tears away. I didn’t know why it bothered me. He’d already seen me at my worst, at my weakest.
“Boy. Look at me.” Cal’s voice was as close to a growl as I’d ever heard, and it was a command I couldn’t ignore. I lifted my eyes to meet his.
I wasn’t expecting to see concern or care in them.
“Lamb, whatever you’re thinking right now, I’m going to bet it’s wrong. You think I’m going to judge you for what you sought out?”
I nodded, not trusting my voice for the moment.
Cal placed his hands on my hips as he moved, sitting up and holding me close. I wasn’t expecting the soft kiss, or the gentle way he brushed my hair from my face.
“My little lamb, I need you to listen really hard to what I have to say. What you were seeking with those other Doms was unsafe for both parties. We have safe words for a reason. And when we play, you will swear to me you will use your safe word if you need it. You won’t lie to me.”
“I promise.” Relief flooded through me. I couldn’t believe he hadn’t turned his back on me.
“I will be your Daddy, and the one to give you the pain you need, but not before we sit down and talk limits. I rushed ahead before when I suggested putting you in chastity. We need to talk about this, about what we both want and need.”