“Okay, baby bear, let’s get you changed. Then we can get your punishment out of the way.”
Oh, crap. I’d forgotten about that.
Daddy must have seen my face as he patted my rump gently. “It won’t be that bad, but you know it’s important to remember the rules.”
“Okaaaay.” I gave a long groan. I really didn’t want to waste my play time being punished for forgetting to phone Daddy. Slipping into my play clothes, I eyed him nervously as he bent to roll my thick socks on. “I’m going to just hate the punishment, aren’t I?”
Daddy wrapped one of his large hands around my ankle, giving it a soft squeeze. “Well it wouldn’t really work as a punishment if you enjoyed it now, would it?”
I wrinkled my nose, not liking it when Daddy used logic on me. “Do I get to play after?”
“You bet. Corner time, then some dinner, then you can play until bath time. How does that sound?” Simon slid his arm around my waist pulling me to him in a warm hug.
“Everything apart from the corner time sounds awesome,” I said with a pout.
Daddy steered me towards a stool in the corner of the kitchen. “Okay, baby bear, you’re going to pop your cute arse onto the stool and think about why Daddy has the rule about calling him. And I think to help you remember about letting me know if you’re going to be late or go somewhere before coming home, I am going to get you to text me when you leave work each shift. It will help to remind you. I don’t expect to know everything, baby, but I do want to know you’re safe.”
I bit back a sassy retort, knowing it would just add to the time I had to spend on the stool. Plus, I understood him wanting to make sure I was ok.
Seriously, it was the worst when Daddy made sense.
“Ten minutes, no talking or fidgeting.”
I gave a deep sigh and slouched on the stool. This was going to be so darn boring.
* * *
“Daddy, I’m bored.” I slumped on the stool where he’d made me sit, staring at the wall. I poked my tongue out and crossed my eyes, which I had decided wasn’t fidgeting, so wasn’t going against Daddy’s rules.
“This isn’t supposed to be fun or interesting, baby. It’s punishment.” Daddy’s voice was behind me.
“But I’m boooreed.” I swung my legs, banging my socked feet against the wall. I was feeling little and bratty—I had done ever since I’d stepped foot back into the flat—and with that special daddy sense, Simon seemed to have slipped smoothly into his role of my Daddy. It wasn’t just a role, though. This was how we were, beyond playing and kink—a special part of us that I loved as much as I did every other part of our relationship.
“Rhee, don’t bang your feet.”
“Ughgh” I groaned with exaggerated loudness, slumping further on the stool. I was going to die of boredom.
“Rhee,” Daddy growled in warning.
“Time out sucks, and I’m bored.” I gave the wall another kick.
Daddy’s hand touched my shoulder and I turned to face him. Oh, poop. He was wearing his grumpy face.
“You are being a brat right now, and you’re in the corner because you didn’t follow one of Daddy’s rules. You didn’t get your bottom smacked because I suspected you wouldn’t enjoy tomorrow’s drive to the farm with a sore bum.”
Flip, Daddy was being reasonable, and I should feel bad, but right now my brain said stuff that.
Crossing my arms, I refused to look at Daddy. I was annoyed, I was bored, and I wanted to play with my bears.
Daddy sighed loudly. “I have given you a chance, baby, but now it seems you’ve given me no choice. Up you get and head into the playroom and wait for me. No playing with your toys.”
Daddy stood back from the chair. He looked mad. Well, he could be mad. I was cross with him. I wanted to play and snuggle, not sit in a corner like a baby. I stomped my foot hard, but all Daddy did was glare at me.
Big mean grump.
“Baby boy, you got your cuddles and kisses when we got home, but you were also told you would have to sit in time out for forgetting to call me,” Daddy said.
“Butt head,” I growled, before I stomped off as fast as I could towards the playroom.