Page 14 of Forever Ink

“I got you, baby bear. You can let go of the railing. I’m not letting you go, I promise.” I pressed a kiss to the top of Rhys’s head and felt him relax in my arms as his hands let go of the railing. I linked my fingers together with his and moved him away from the edge.

“So I suppose there is going to be a punishment for forgetting to call?” Rhys asked.

“Afraid so, baby bear. This isn’t me controlling where you go, but I need to know you’re safe, or if something happens, where you are for me to come get you.” With what had happened in Rhys’s past, I didn’t want my boy to feel controlled or constricted, but the daddy in me worried and wanted him safe.

“I know, Daddy, and I should have texted. But I was brave today, so I should also get a reward.” There was a hopeful note in Rhys’s voice.

“I suppose we could stop by the concession stand and pick up a bag of doughnuts,” I suggested.

“That sounds perfect. But do you know what a good reward would also be?” Rhys said, swinging our hands back and forth as we walked the length of the pier.

“I have no idea baby bear. A new colouring book? Or that guitar strap you want?” I laughed when Rhys shot me a playful scowl.

“No, I’m talking a sexy reward,” Rhys whispered, even though we were alone on the pier, his natural shyness coming out.

I pretended to think about it for all of a minute. “You know, I think that is a pretty good suggestion. What kind of sexy reward are we talking about?”

Rhys’s cheeks heated and the tips of his ears turned red.

“Come on Rhee, you’ve got to tell me so I know what you want.” I dropped my voice deeper, knowing the effect it had on my boy. “Do you want Daddy to strip you down and kiss you from your adorable nose to your sexy cock?”

Rhys ducked his head, but I could see the flash of colour in his cheeks and the small smile on his lips. “You know, we could skip the punishment and just go straight to the reward.”

“You know that’s not how it works, right?” I pulled him closer then released our hands so I could wrap my arm around him.

Rhys let out a loud breath as he leaned against me. “But punishments suck.”

“It’s why they’re called punishments, baby bear.”

Rhys shrugged. “Yeah, but it still sucks.”

I decided to steer the conversation away from the punishment he’d get when we got home, instead focusing on what an achievement he’d made today.

“You seemed pretty deep in thought when I found you.”

“I was. Out here looking at the water, I realised that the sea didn’t try to kill me. It doesn’t give two shits who I am.”

I smiled and refrained from pointing out he swore at the moment. It would keep. I nodded, waiting for him to continue.

“I can’t change what happened to me, just like I can’t change how my dad and Susan feel about me, but that is their problem, not mine. I’ve spent so long being ashamed of who I am, and that’s not right. They are the ones filled with hate and fear, they are the ones who need to be ashamed.” Rhys spoke with a determination and fierceness that I was frankly in awe of.

“I am so damn proud of you, baby. You are an amazing man, with nothing to be ashamed of. You grow stronger and more self-assured every day, and I am so proud to share that with you.” I kissed him softly “But—” I cupped his cheek “—you’re still going in the naughty corner when we get home.”

“Oh, poop,” Rhys muttered softly.

Chapter 8


I moaned around the mouthful of hot doughnut. Simon had brought me a bag of six. I really could have eaten eight, but I didn’t want to spoil dinner. With everything that had happened this afternoon, my brain and body were pulling me towards little space, and Simon must have seen me struggling as he pulled me under his arm as we walked back towards the flat.

He tipped his head down, lips brushing against my ear. “I’ve got you, baby bear.”

He knew by whatever tells I had that I was slipping into my little headspace. Reaching out, I linked our fingers together, swinging our joined hands as we walked towards the flat.

By the time we’d gotten inside, my skin was buzzing. I wanted out of my street clothes and into my play clothes. I felt filled with a frenetic kind of energy. I stripped my clothes off as I walked towards our bedroom. Daddy chuckled, following behind me.

Entering our bedroom, I stood in just my underdog undies and my t-shirt. I went to the drawer that held my soft pj pants and sweatpants, and my mind went blank. All I knew was I wanted something soft and warm to wear. Luckily, Daddy had followed me. He looked over my shoulder, humming. “I think the red checked pj pants, and your long sleeve top.” He reached around me and grabbed the pants out and then moved to the other drawer, finding the top straight away.