Page 33 of Dominant

Reaching over to pull the elastic band on my wrist as hard as I could, I felt the momentary relief from awareness as the stinging band bit into my bruised wrist, and then I very slowly hiked my skirt up until it was barely covering me, and spread my legs apart. My face burned hotter and hotter as the space between my knees grew, exposing me completely to the stranger across the aisle.

Despite appearing to be completely captivated by his phone, the stranger flicked his eyes up, as if on some level he had detected the way my legs had moved, what it meant for a woman to move that way. His eyes locked on my exposed pussy, and his face reddened. He looked up at me, angry and outraged, and then over to Alexander, saying nothing.

I was unbearably humiliated. All I could do was hold my legs in place and feel the rictus of shame frozen on my face. I looked over at Alexander and saw him comfortably meeting the stranger’s accusing glare. His face was impassive, and the stranger furiously blinked his eyes away and looked again at my pussy, staring at it as though it were something that angered him.

I heard a tsk of disgust, and my head spun to see an older woman in the row ahead of us shaking her head. I started to close my knees but Alexander’s firm hand landed quickly on my thigh. He gave me a meaningful expression, saying nothing, and I let my knees fall apart again. I let the stranger stare. I left myself uncovered for anyone to see.

When the bus driver announced the next stop, the man got up and spoke to Alexander in a quiet voice. “How much?” he asked.

Alexander shook his head. “Not for sale.”

“Fucking perverts!” the man spit out, and hurriedly dismounted the bus when the doors opened.

Still I left my knees apart, knowing intrinsically that I wasn’t to do anything without Alexander’s say-so, and more passengers boarded. A young man walked past me, unseeing, but his friend’s eyes darted over to me, and he pulled his friend’s wrist suddenly, yanking him back.

“Dude!” he hissed, half-laughing, pulling him down into the seat across from me. The other friend looked up, from my feet, to my pussy, and then up to my eye, his expression one of utter shock. Beside him, his friend jostled his arm, grinning. For two more stops, they stared at me, making faces of utter disbelief at each other, until Alexander stood up and rang the bell, indicating that we’d reached our stop.

He motioned that I should rise and I closed my legs with relief, my humiliation absolute.

“Good evening, gentlemen,” he said to the boys with a polite nod of the head as we got off the bus.

We walked for a block in silence, before Alexander stopped and looked at me, his expression surprisingly gentle. “How was that?” he asked.

I swallowed. My face still felt hot, even though I was freezing with my bare legs. “Embarrassing,” I answered honestly.

He smiled. “You did well. Better than I expected, to be honest.”

He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and we continued walking in that way. I wanted to melt against the warm, solid feel of his body against mine. I breathed in the clean, sexy smell of him deeply, almost faint with it.

We arrived at the club and walked up the driveway between the two houses, turning right towards the one Maggie lived in. Alexander opened the door with a key and let me in.

Inside, an attractive woman about Alexander’s age was sitting at the kitchen table, waiting for us. She was dressed in the same kind of loose shift the initiates wore, only hers was grey, and she greeted Alexander with a kiss on the cheek.

“This is the House Mother,” Alexander explained. “She’ll explain your duties to you, and she’s available to you when you need help and support.”

“Take a seat, sweetheart,” said the House Mother, indicating a chair. She reached into a large, ornate jewellery box that was sitting on the table, and pulled out a silver necklace, exactly like the one Maggie had been wearing, with the X pendant. She was about to hand it to me when Alexander interjected.

“She’s under my protection,” he said.

“Ah!” She flicked her eyes up to him in surprise, and then returned the necklace to the box, pulling out another. It was exactly the same, but with a small black stone embedded in the centre of the X.

She reached forward and clasped the necklace around my neck. “That’s the first thing,” she said. “Now let’s get you settled. Say goodbye to Sir X.”

She stood up, and I looked back at Alexander suddenly, eyes wide, only to see his back as he walked out the door.

He hadn’t even said goodbye.

I somehow hadn’t expected him to leave me alone. At least not so soon.

There was nothing to do but follow the House Mother up the stairs to the third floor, which looked exactly like Maggie’s hallway on the second floor - a long tunnel of closed doors with numbers on chalkboards. She led me to a door with a clean, unmarked chalkboard, picking up a stick of chalk from the well beneath the board and writing “#6” on it.

“This is your name now,” she explained. “An initiate divests herself of her identity while she is here. You will answer only to the name Six.”

Inside, the room was the same as Maggie’s - a simple room with a twin bed, a dresser, and a chair by the window. A row of white shifts hung neatly in a row in the closet.

“Give your clothing to me,” said the House Mother. “From now on, you wear only the white shifts that are provided in your room, or any particular item of dress that might be provided to you by a club member.”

She watched me without turning away as I undressed and handed her my clothing before donning one of the white shifts.