“You’re protected,” she explained to me, as she led me down the hall to the bathroom. “That means no one can touch you without the Master’s permission. Nevertheless, you will keep yourself in a state of constant readiness as outlined in your contract.”
She opened the bathroom door to show it to me. Like the rest of the old house it was large and clean, neatly stocked with white towels and a collection of soaps. “You must be immaculately clean at all times. You will shave your body hair, including your pubic hair, daily. And each day you are to give yourself an anal douche after your bowel movement. When you get your period, you come see me and I will provide you with sponges for intercourse. Are you on the birth control pill, Number Six?”
I nodded.
“Good. A servant is coming to draw you your bath, and you will clean yourself as discussed. I will inspect you before bedtime. Tomorrow, you will rest during the day, and the Master will come and fetch you in the evening.”
She pulled the bathroom door shut and left me waiting.
I slept peacefully. The House of Initiates was so silent the silence itself was almost tangible. It pressed softly on your ears. I didn’t wake up once in the night, and was surprised to discover it was already mid-day when I was awoken by a knock at the door. A servant in a grey tunic and linen pants let himself in and placed a tray of food by the bed. I sat up and stretched, feeling a dull pain from the welts as I shifted my weight onto my ass.
In the afternoon I explored the house. It was deceptively large, several times larger than it looked from the street, with three storeys and a large finished basement. Everywhere the doors were closed.
Eventually I headed back to my bedroom and lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling as I ran through the events of the past two days. The House Mother had briefly given me my phone, long enough to text my roommate to let her know I’d “be away,” and then she’d assured me that my car was safely parked and that my possessions would be safely kept as well, before taking my phone away from me again. There was nothing to do but think and wonder what the night ahead would be like.
Finally, after what felt like hours, the House Mother came to the door and informed me that it was time to wash myself.
The previous night, her inspection had been somewhat… alarming. She instructed me to remove my shift and carefully looked over my legs, armpits and pubis, then she had me bend over the bed and she had run her fingers over my privates and inserted one inside of me, smelling them afterwards.
“Fine,” she’d said, wiping her fingers with a towelette handed to her by a servant, and left the room.
It was a routine that was going to take some getting used to.
I walked naked to the washroom, seeing no one on the way, and carefully shaved, douched, and washed myself.
I returned to the room and ate the food that had been left for me there, some kind of berry bowl, before the Mother came in and inspected me exactly as she had the night before. Shortly after she’d given me the okay and left, Alexander walked into the room.
I flushed with warmth at the sight of him. Tall, much too tall to even sit comfortably on the edge of my bed, he perched on the edge of it - his long legs stretched ridiculously far across the room. He looked at me with his usual penetrating gaze.
“How have you settled in?” he asked, his eyes searching my face.
“Fine,” I answered, feeling a warm heat swirling inside of me. I missed him. I’d been waiting to see him for the past twenty-four hours since I’d arrived.
“Good.” He stood up. “Let me see under your shift.”
I felt the heat inside of me rise to my face, as I stood up and pulled the shift off.
His eyes ran over my body, impassive and unashamed as he took in every inch of me.
“I’m taking you across to the clubhouse tonight,” he told me. “You’ll need to wear your shift outside, but once we get there you’ll take it off and remain naked.”
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a chain with small clips on each end. He turned tiny screws to loosen the clips.
“You’re going to wear these nipple clamps,” he explained, cupping one of my breasts and snapping one of the clamps onto it. I squealed as it bit down onto the nipple.
“There’s a way of loosening it,” he said. “But you’re going to wear them tight tonight, Number Six. It’s going to hurt.” He pinched the other clamp onto my other nipple and I yelped.
He was unsympathetic. “It’s going to continue to hurt more and more the longer you wear them.” Something cruel glimmered in his eyes.
I donned my white shift, whimpering as I lifted my arms over my head, and he frowned at me.
“Don’t be a baby about it,” he said with disdain.
My lip trembled. Taking a fortifying breath, I followed him out of the room and down through the House of Initiates, across the backyard.
The cold air rushed over my body, giving me goosebumps and making my swollen, sensitive nipples tighten even more painfully in the clamps. I whimpered again as I scurried across the yard behind Alexander, the fabric of my shift rubbing painfully across my inflamed nipples.
Once inside, he led me to a different sitting room than the one I’d been in before, with a bar at one end, and had me remove my shift. Taking handcuffs out of his pocket, he locked my wrists together behind my back, forcing me to jut my tender red nipples forward.