“Yep. When I saw how unharmed she was when I carried Lex out... it’s just… it’s not the same.”
Jace laughs. “I know what you mean. Let me know if you need anything.”
Grabbing the packed bag, Colt grabs the guns from the nightstand and throws them inside before zipping it up. He takes Lex’s hand, kisses it, and walks to the garage.
“Are you following me?”
“Nope, we’re taking the Explorer. I’m not letting you out of my sight.”
It doesn’t take long for Colt and Lex to pull into the clubhouse parking lot, and when they park, they see Shep and Heidi hopping off his bike.
“Shep had the same idea you did,” Lex says and steps out of the vehicle.
Heidi runs up to Lex the moment she sees her, and Lex wraps her arms around the shaking woman. “Will this ever end?” Heidi asks, her head buried in Lex’s neck.
“I sure hope so,” Lex says and nods to Shep as she guides the brunette into the clubhouse.
“This is fucking ridiculous,” Shep says and turns to Colt as the door shuts. “We gotta fix this.”
Colt grabs his arm before he can head inside. “This ends soon.”
“As soon as Lex is asleep, I’m calling Jennings for an emergency meeting. We need a plan that doesn’t involve sitting with our goddamn thumbs shoved up our asses while we wait. I’m done doing fucking nothing, and I’m not accepting that answer anymore. You with me?”
Shep nods. “Always. Man, how is Lex holding it all together? Heidi’s a wreck. Even when we saw them in the hotel, Lex was calm. Is she just that much better at hiding it?”
“She’s scared, but she’s scared for the kids, not herself. Which I think scares me more because it’s like she’s accepted something terrible will happen to her. I can’t help but feel like she just accepts that we can’t protect her. That I can’t.”
“It’s the club, not you,” Shep says. “And this ends soon. We’re together on this.”
Colt just nods, thankful someone else understands. Someone else who has the same fears and drive for action because neither man would survive long without his wife.
Chapter Eight
Griffin’s Beach
Colt sits in the main room of the clubhouse as the rest of the members filter in, some with their old ladies. Psycho sent a few of the Black Valley crew to help watch over the houses with kids because it’s two in the morning. It’s inconvenient, but it’s necessary.
West and York were moved to Karmen’s house to watch from inside, and TK walks into the room. After everything that happened tonight, Colt’s not taking a chance with his family. The last thing he needs is to find out his mother, little sister, or kids have been hurt while they sit and talk about what the fuck they’re doing with these assholes.
He can see the fear on the faces of every woman walking. It’s written all over their faces and unmistakable, he has no idea how they missed it before. The fact they’ve allowed it to get to this point pisses him off. The families of the club should feel safe, even when the club is in the middle of shit. They should have faith their men can protect them, but they’ve seen the opposite. Even sitting in their own clubhouse, they don’t look relieved. If something doesn’t happen soon, he’s bound to find a Slasher to murder just so he can tell everyone there’s one less Irish bastard out there.
Jennings walks in with Tess, followed by Jace and Melanie, and they’re the last to arrive. Melanie looks sleepy and sated, and Colt knows they discussed the hotel situation in the form of sex. Lots and lots of sex.
“I’m gonna get her settled in the apartment, and then I’ll join,” Jace says, walking Melanie back to his apartment.
The rest of the men filter into the Chapel, but Colt hangs back and pulls Tess aside. His eyes stay glued to the stitches on her face, and he shakes his head. This shouldn’t have happened. Especially to the President’s wife.
“How are you doing, sweetheart?”
“I’m okay, Colt. Thank you. Where’s Lex?” Tess asks as she pats his arm.
He nods towards the apartments where Jace walks from and approaches them while the rest of the women stay in the main area, waiting to go back home. “She’s sleeping. If anyone comes looking for us, let them know we’re in Church, will you?”