“Of course,” she says and kisses his cheek. “I’m glad to see the two of you back together and here. We were all worried you weren’t going to work it out.”
“If we can’t get this Slasher shit figured out, I’m scared we’ll all lose her. And not in a way that gives us a chance to get her back,” he says and lets out a worried sigh.
He heads towards the Chapel with Jace, who staggers slightly, and Colt reaches out to steady the tall man. “Hey, are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Jace says and grabs the doorframe. “I got a little dizzy, but I’m good. That was weird.”
Colt takes his seat next to his best friend, Ky Short, while Jace finds his seat next to Phoenix Hankinson. Rubbing the beard that’s grown longer than normal, Colt smirks as he smells Lex’s need on it. They’d left so quickly that he hadn’t had a chance to wash up, and he didn’t mind. No one else will notice, but he does. And it calms his mind while reawakening his desire.
How the fuck did I end up back to fucking like I’m in my early twenties?
He looks at the President who also happens to be one of his father’s oldest and best friends. Colt needs Jennings to get his ass in gear and do something. Make a fucking decision and act on it.
“What’s up, Colt?” Jennings asks, his long brown hair showing more gray hairs at his temples than not these days. The Slashers seem to be graying him faster than he should be.
His father looks at him, and even TK has to know this is about their Slashers problem. The fact the man who advocated so hard for his daughter-in-law doesn’t seem to push Jennings forward pisses Colt off, too. It’s like he just ignores the fact Karmen could be next. Or Klaire. If those bastards go after his little sister and make him an only child, he’ll never forgive his club. And he knows his father will never recover.
Holy shit, this is what Lex feels.
The thought knocks him off-balance, and if he’d been standing, his knees would have buckled. He finally understands. Swallowing, he looks to Jennings. “What’s the plan with the Slashers?”
Closing his eyes, Jennings leans back and sighs. “It’s a gentle situation, Colt.”
Shep and Colt glance at each other and toss the rocks they received as warnings onto the table in front of the man’s spot before flinging the notes sent with them at him. Yeah, a gentle situation. They’re getting fucking rocks thrown through their windows with threats on them.
Lex’s father, Nash “VP” Dalton, takes the note from his seat to the left of Jennings while TK takes the other from his seat to the right. “What the fuck is this?” VP asks.
“Which one is it?” Shep asks.
“Signed by O’Malley.”
“That’s the love note that motherfucker sent your daughter,” Colt says. “The other was sent to Heidi.”
TK’s eyebrows raise. “They’re threatening to kill her? Why?”
“Because they fucking can!” Shep shouts and stands. “They threw these through our fucking windows while we were inside the house!”
“O’Malley sat outside and listened to me fuck my wife,” Colt says. “They don’t give a shit. York killed the other man outside our house, and all he did was laugh. Said Lex wasn’t crazy. She says she knows O’Malley’s been watching her. That she can feel him. The same way she felt him before she was taken in Black Valley.”
Zane Dalton, Lex’s half-brother, raises his eyebrows. “She knows he’s been watching her?”
“She hasn’t seen him,” he says and snaps to look at the man he suddenly wants to murder. He’s a big player in this issue between Lex and the club. “This freak has a thing for my wife. Your sister. He’s going to do whatever he wants to in order to get her, and if he does, I don’t know that we’re gonna be able to save her.”
“Or, if we do, she won’t be the same Lex she is now,” Shep says. “And if they get my wife, they’re going to murder her. I can tell you right now, you’ll lose a member if she dies. This needs to fucking end. This has gone too far.”
The notes get passed around, and Ky’s father, Diesel, reads them. “If this is any indication, it won’t be the bodies of the men in this room piling up. This tells me we’re going to start seeing our women and children dead, starting with Heidi,” he says and tosses the notes to his left. “VP, are you prepared to lose that old lady who just came back to you? Or how about your granddaughter? Maybe your grandson? You seem rather content at possibly losing your daughter. How about you, Jennings? You okay losing your daughter-in-law again, for real this time? Or how about one of those beautiful three babies she’s raising? TK? Are you ready to have one child left? Because I’m not.”
Jennings cracks his neck, and the memories of thinking Avery was dead for a year wash over everyone sitting at the table. Even those who weren’t around have heard the story of how they had to watch her, engulfed in flames, fly off the bluffs into the water below, only to be ejected and disappear. It was one of the darker times in Drifter history, and it hits its intended mark as the President flinches. “How do you know they listened to you, Colt? That they were outside the house?”
“Because he wrote about her talking about feeling him watching her. She said that in the house.”
“Okay, but-”
“He threw the brink in our bedroom window. He knew we were in the living room because he watched her suck my cock shortly before the glass broke.” Zane scrunches up his face while VP looks to the side. “Sorry for the graphics, considering the relations in here, but I think it’s also necessary given the circumstances that our President doesn’t believe me.”
Ty nods his blond head appreciatively. “After all these years, she still gets on her knees for you? Impressive.”
“My wife sucks cock like a fucking porn star, okay? Can we get back to the fucking point?” Colt shouts.