Page 115 of Vengeance

“One: You stay the fuck away from my man and any other taken man.”

Diane eagerly nods. “Done.”

“And two: Let that shit from your childhood go. Trust me, I'm trying to do the same because it's too heavy. It's so fucking heavy.”

“I'll try.”

“Let's go get ice for your face and my hand,” she says and opens the clubhouse door.

Diane walks in before her, and Colt immediately jumps up as Lex walks in behind her. “What the fuck?” Colt asks.

“Calm down,” Lex says and waves her throbbing hand in the air. The girl has a hard skull. She walks behind the bar and grabs the small amount of ice left in the icebox and wraps it in a towel before handing it to Diane. “Put this on your jaw.”

“Thanks,” Diane says and does as she says.

West walks over to her, concern on his face, and Lex sees that it might be the best thing for the two of them to find each other. “I'm gonna go get ice from the kitchen because we're out back here,” she says, walking into the kitchen.

Opening the freezer, she's annoyed to find no ice. Instead, she grabs the bag sitting in there, curious what it is. She almost drops it the moment she opens it. Eyeballs.

“Gross,” she says and rummages for anything other than a bag of eyeballs to ice her hand with. A bag of peas buried in the back does the trick and she places it on her knuckles.

She walks back out while Colt glares at West examining Diane's face, and Shep rushes up to Lex. “Diane's out here lying. I know she's lying. She says you two are cool now?”

“What can I say? We found common ground.”

“She knocked me on my ass,” Diane says with a laugh. “She hits hard.”

“Why the fuck did you hit her?” West asks. “Did you see her face and think it would be fun to add to it?”

“I told her to,” Diane says. “I came to apologize to her, and I had some explaining to do. Because of what's happening between us, I wanted to be cool with Lex. Or at least have the chance to tell her how sorry I am for everything. I'm fine, West.”

Lex laughs. “I have a question.”

“For who?” Undertaker asks.

Her jaw drops at the large, attractive voice who wears a kutte. “Are you prospecting?”

“I'm in the club,” he says with a smile.

“Holy fuck.”

Colt snaps his fingers in front of her face. “Is that the question you had?”

Snapping out of the fantasy beginning to form, she shakes her head. It’s been a long time since she found herself attracted to anyone besides Colt. “Sorry, no. I went into the freezer and stumbled upon something disturbing. Anyone want to share why there's a bag of frozen eyeballs in there?”

“Those are mine,” Psycho says.

Well, that's fitting. “Of course, they are.”

“Got some thawed in the fridge, too. I'm gonna make O'Malley eat the eyeballs of his fallen men while drinking shitty whiskey on the rocks. Except the rocks will be the frozen eyeballs of more of his men.”

The thought makes her stomach lurch. “Gross. Fitting, but gross.”

“Wanna force feed him one?”

“Yeah, that's gonna be big fat no. There is no way in hell you can get me to touch one of those things. Nope, not gonna happen. But, I would kind of like to see you make him eat one. I might throw up, but I also think it would be totally worth it.”

“He's in the basement. I'll grab the bag,” Psycho says and runs to the kitchen.