Her eyes lock on Colt, who nods to her. They really got him. Part of her half expected something to happen, like him getting away or killing someone. There's a good chance she may break down crying from relief once she sees him with her own eyes.
Chapter Thirty-Six
Griffin's Beach
Walking down the basement steps to see Scarface getting his own torture feels like a resolution that always felt just out of reach. But as Lex reaches the bottom, all anxiety and relief disappear as she sees only anger at the man hanging with his hands tied above his head and hooked to a chain attached to the ceiling.
“Hello, beautiful,” Scarface says and smiles at her.
This man not only kidnapped and tortured her, but he stalked her. Watched her fuck her husband. Drugged and chained her up in this very clubhouse. Wrote her creepy love notes. He made her life a bit of a living hell, and even tied up like he is, he still doesn't seem scared. It's not fair.
“This is the worst outcome for you, Scarface,” Lex says and walks over to him. “You kept saying you'd have me tied up, but you seem to have it backwards.”
“Everyone wants you, Alexis. Your husband got lucky you seem to be attached to him, but I think there are many others in this club who would bend over backwards to have you in their bed. Sucking their cocks. That tight little pussy has so many people tripping over themselves for you. I can only imagine how many you gave it away to before your bitch of a husband locked you down. Something that good should be shared.”
Colt growls, but Lex just walks up and stands only inches away from Scarface. “The only man in my club I've slept with is my husband.”
“Even after I'm dead, you'll still fear me. You know I plan to watch over you. That every time you get on your knees and take his small dick in any of your holes, I'll be right there with you.”
“And here I thought you'd been watching me. I guess you've just been listening if you think what my husband packs isn't large.”
“No, I watched you, baby. He's got nothing compared to me.”
Her hands yank on his jeans until everything falls to his knees, and she laughs. “Just as I thought.”
“I knew you wanted to see what I was packing.”
“You talked like you were hung like a horse, but the truth is, you're more like an overused pencil that's been sharpened until it's just barely more than an eraser. You may be Irish, but there's nothing magical about what you have. Not like you think you do.”
His face turns red, and for the first time since she's seen him, he doesn't look smug. Just as he opens his mouth to speak, she pokes him in the eyes. “Fuck!”
Laughing, she steps back. “I've always wanted to poke someone in the eyes. They're so much less scary that way.”
Colt wraps his arms around her shoulders. “You're okay?”
“Oh, I'm fine. I'm kind of excited to see this gross force-feeding situation.”
“You wish is my command,” Psycho says with a sadistic smile.
He looks like a kid on Christmas morning as he reaches for a thawed version of the bag she found in the freezer and grabs an eyeball with his long fingers. It squishes beneath his grasp slightly, and she dry heaves as he walks over to Scarface.
“What the fuck is that?” Scarface asks, and Lex takes some satisfaction in knowing he can't see straight yet. She may need to poke more people in the eyes.
Psycho holds the body part up next to his own face and makes crazy eyes as he moves it towards Scarface like a snake. The tied-up man pulls back as it gets closer, still unsure what comes near him.
“This is an eyeball of one of your dead buddies. I started collecting them a few months back. We have a lot. And I do mean a lot. Every one of your fallen men we took out in droves had their eyes yanked from their skulls. Does it feel like he's watching you?”
“You're fucking sick.”
“You have no idea. I have almost a thousand of them. And you're going to eat most of them. Hungry?”
Scarface shakes his head no, and Lex feels sick as she watches how Psycho plays with the eye.
How does this shit not make him queasy?
“Open wide.”