Page 13 of Where We Promise

Callie, his wife, walked around the car, holding her palm over her own bump, much smaller than mine. They were about to head into an appointment from the looks of it.

“Penelope?” Callie called, her hazel eyes going huge as she took in the two riders cornering me. She started as if she was going to stomp over, but her husband caught her wrist and pulled her behind him. With his other hand, he removed his sunglasses.

“The fuck you doing with your tire nearly parked in her door, gentlemen?” Wes asked.

“It’s Chaos King’s business. Not Stone Riders, you can fuck off.” Bones smiled at Wes, as if they were buddies.

Wes glanced at me, his eyes narrowing. “That true, Penelope?”

With tears finally falling, I shook my head. “I just want to leave.”

Callie tried to push forward again, her eyes tightened, her expression glacial as she stared at the riders in front of me. Wes continued to hold her safely behind him as he warned in a deadly tone, “Get your asses away from her car now.”

Bones glanced over at Kline, as if they were deliberating on attacking him, or me.

My legs were shaking so badly that I had to grip my door so I wouldn’t fall down.

“I’m about to call Jameson and have him come deal with this, but I was there when he warned you all of what would happen should any harm befall Penelope. I suggest you ride off, and let her leave.” Wes had his phone in his hand and held it in the air as if to prove that he was going to dial Jamie.

Finally, Bones backed up, Kline following his lead. A quick rev of their engines indicated their opinion over being forced to leave but then they were riding out of the parking lot.

Callie was released and ran over to me.

“Oh my god, are you okay?”

My lip was trembling as more tears fell. Wes had his phone to his ear. “I’m going to have a few Stone Riders escort you back to the cabin. I’ll make sure Jameson is watching for you, okay.”

I nodded, unsure if I could make any words come out again.

Once I was back in my car, and safely traveling back to the cabin with two of Wesley’s riders behind me, I watched pieces of the town coast by. I had plans to shop, to explore Rose Ridge, to start getting used to this town, but it seemed that was a foolish idea. It was back to the cabin for me, back to my cage, where I would be watched by predators for the next time I left my perch.

I parked my car in front of the cabin, feeling shaky and numb. The two riders were still idling behind me when Jameson began running toward the cabin from over the ridge, coming from the house his club was utilizing for the time being.

Panic was stamped across his features. His golden hair was windswept off his face, his denim jeans looked worn, and his boots were dusty with dirt. He wore his cut over a thick, black zip-up hoodie.

“The fuck happened?” His eyes frantically searched me over from head to toe. The concern in his eyes, it was familiar to only one other time…a time he finally let his mask fall and the king of chaos had been unleashed. He seemed on the precipice of losing it, his fists clenching and his determined glare cutting over the riders as if he wasn’t sure where the threat was.

“Wes said he drove up on two of your members harassing her. One of them nearly ran her over,” one of the riders explained. I had assumed Wes had already explained, but maybe he hadn’t. Perhaps he just needed to hear it again.

Jamie’s eyes cut over to me.

“Who?” Fuck, he was pissed. My skin pebbled at the deadly tone. I had no idea if the Rider explained, but I stopped listening. I needed to sit down. My hands still hadn’t stopped shaking.

Once I was inside the cabin, I kicked my shoes off and ventured into the room, pulling the covers back and curling under them. My entire body shook with uncontrolled sobs. I missed my mom. I missed my life. I missed being someone that mattered and had worth.

I had no idea how long it was before the front door opened, and I heard Jamie walking inside. He was the only person who never knocked. It was something I appreciated about him.

“Want to tell me why you went to your doctor’s appointment without me?”

I sniffed, swiping at my face. I didn’t want to explain that I felt pathetic, and I was tired of being a burden. I had a car, there was no reason I couldn’t drive myself.

Jamie moved closer. I felt the bed dip and then a hand on my calf.

“Pen, I need to know that you’re okay.”

My voice wobbled and was thick with tears as I answered, “I’m fine.”

He waited, his grip on my calf tightened and then he was gone.