Page 14 of Where We Promise

“I have a few things to take care of, I’m calling Natty to come stay with you.”

The reminder that the two of them were so cozy made my heart burn with familiar hurt. The way Luke had moved on from me so easily, how I had finally let go of my hope to be with Jameson and settled for Luke, only to be here now. Used and discarded like a forgotten toy. I was so angry but felt so helpless.

I snapped. “I don’t need a babysitter.”

Jamie remained quiet and then without letting out a sigh, or any indication that he was exasperated with me, said, “She’s been asking when she can see you…I keep telling her to give you space. But I think you could use the company right now.”

He didn’t wait for me to argue it any further. I sat up, and he was gone.




I wasn’t nervous about seeing Jameson again.

He’d left for the entire summer, along with half the club. Miles was gone, so was Luke and his evil, disgusting father, Tuck. It was peaceful with just the Sweetbutts hanging around, Gene and the random prospects who were kept behind to watch over the club. Aside from going to visit Gene from time to time, Mom and I hadn’t even gone back over.

Mom and I had Mile’s house to ourselves, and for the first time in our lives, we felt like we could relax. We laid out on the back porch on towels and bathed in the sun while our favorite songs played. We stayed up too late watching movies and snuggling in the same bed.

Mom wasn’t allowed to get a job as per her deal with patching with Miles, so that part was a little frustrating as he hadn’t left any money behind for us. But Mom was too clever to let that stop us. She found a way to work, getting paid under the table for a woman in Richland who wanted her house cleaned. The same woman also had two kids who needed watched all summer, so I made money babysitting.

It was a great summer.

One of the best I’d ever had.

The free time gave me the opportunity to reflect on my feelings and slightly unhinged obsession with Jameson. He’d more than proven he wasn’t interested in me, and I was a fool for constantly trying to catch his attention. Mentally, I moved him to the back of my mind, conjuring up other ideas for my sophomore year, the first time I would spend two years in a row in the same school.

I had made a few friends, and with our money, Mom and I bought an actual cell phone plan, instead of just using prepaid phones. It was nice because it allowed me to stay in touch with a few friends from school. I had even gone out to the movies a few times and had a few sleepovers. It was how I met Drake.

He attended our school but was in a grade above me.

We hadn’t started dating or anything, but we’d been texting and gone to see a movie a few times together. While Drake was flirtatious, we hadn’t kissed or done anything else. And without Jameson here, I was free and clear of any distractions or doubts regarding my previous crush on him. It was long gone.

I was walking to the bus stop two weeks after school had started, curious where Luke and Jamie were. I’d heard nothing of when the Chaos Kings were supposed to come back but because it meant Mom and I got the house to ourselves, I wasn’t going to jinx it by asking any questions.

The grass from summer was dry after the heat had soaked through the earth and with it only being September, it was still hot. I wore a dress with spaghetti straps and white high-top shoes. For once they were brand name and something I paid for with my own money, which felt good. I was smiling at the ground when suddenly someone tugged my backpack until I was nearly tripping.

“What the hell—” I spun around angrily only to see Luke and Jameson walking behind me with easy smiles. Luke stopped and placed his hand over his heart.

“Holy fuck, Penny. You grew tits and an ass.”

My face flushed as I looked self-consciously down at my chest. My dress was flattering and didn’t even show any cleavage, but Luke’s words had me pulling at the neckline and then smoothing my palms over my butt to ensure my dress wasn’t too low.

Jameson’s glare cut into the side of Luke’s face as we continued walking.

I turned and continued in step beside them. I tried not to notice how different Jameson looked. Luke had just objectified me, but I was doing the same thing to Jamie. He’d gained muscle over the summer and was taller. His hair was cut nicely, his light-colored hair even more sun kissed from the summer. His jaw was more defined, as if every part of him had been sharpened over the months he was away.

“Been busy, Penny?” Luke interrupted my blatant staring as we neared the bus stop.

I was about to open my mouth when a familiar car pulled up to the curb and Drake rolled down the passenger window.

“Hey beautiful, you wanna ride?” He leaned over the console as he gave me that flirtatious smile. I mirrored it as I started toward his car without hesitation. Drake wore his letterman’s jacket; he’d made varsity last year apparently and liked to mention it a lot. His blond hair was over-styled and a little too long, but he was handsome.

My hand made it to the door but a firm grip on my wrist stopped me.

I peered over my shoulder expecting Luke, but it was Jameson who had his hand on me. His glare was on the car behind me, the junior sitting inside.