“I promise.”
“We have to get comfortable with each other…we’re going to have to touch and kiss in public,” he said quietly.
I smiled, acting unfazed. “And see each other in little to no clothing while we’re domesticating.”
His face flushed the smallest bit.
“Yeah and that…”
“I think if you—if you need a release or something, we should talk about it, at least so I’m not left wondering where you’re at. You should also go out of town to get laid.”
His brown eyes seemed to glitter as I talked, his lips quirked as he listened and then he sobered.
“What about you? What will you do if you need a release?”
“Vibrator…so maybe just shut the bedroom door and give me some privacy?” I raised a brow at him, nearly in challenge to see if he’d take the bait.
He made a pained sound and stepped away from me.
“Maybe we should have a code…”
“Like an emoji or something,” I offered, thinking it over, “maybe the unlocked padlock emoji.”
Jamie stopped inside the kitchen, scratching at his neck and looking all sorts of uncomfortable.
“Yeah, okay. If you text that, I’ll leave the cabin and give you some privacy.”
I followed to the sink, where I started helping with dishes. “And if you text it, should I head to the clubhouse so I’m not alone here?”
He shook his head. “If I text it, it’ll be for the same reason you do. I’m not going to be hooking up with anyone right now. But if I go anywhere, for any reason, or need privacy then I’ll make sure someone is watching over you. Wes said his man, Harris, can be trusted. That’s who I’ll reach out to.”
I nodded, knowing he’d introduce me when he got the chance.
This was good, we’d managed to get all the uncomfortable topics out of the way.
“Okay, well good. Then if you need to get a release, and I do…then we’ll just text each other so it doesn’t become awkward.”
“I don’t think we have to text each other every time, but maybe if we just need some privacy or you can just lock the door.”
“There’s no lock,” I muttered briefly, a little miffed that he was already trying to rewrite my emoji idea.
“We’ll figure it out.” He moved past me, until he was slipping into his leather jacket and boots. “I need to run over to the house and grab my stuff. I’ll see you tonight.”
He didn’t wait for me to say anything before he slipped outside.
The second Jameson left, I found my phone and pulled up Natty’s contact info.
Me: Remember when I said we’d share secrets?
I set the phone down only to run and relieve my bladder, but by the time I’d returned, Natty had responded.
Natty: Yes. Do you have one?
I punched out a quick reply, my thumbs flying over the screen.
Me: Jameson just asked me to marry him.
Natty: WHAT?! You said nothing was going on between you two.