I cry out, and the earth seems to shake around me. Pleasure rolls through me, robbing me of my ability to think of anything other than the slick heat of Tyler’s mouth and the things his skillful tongue is doing to me.
I tremble as the band of tension snaps, and I gasp his name. Everything turns hazy. When my mind clears, I’m snuggled against Tyler’s chest. He kisses the top of my head, and his arms tighten around me.
I reach down. His erection hasn’t deflated at all. I cup my hand over it, but then he brushes me away.
“No,” he says. “This was just for you.”
“But…” I don’t feel right without reciprocating.
“Nothing else is happening tonight.” His firm tone tells me there’s no changing his mind, so I relax against him.
As our skin is beginning to cool, Tyler’s phone vibrates.
“Ignore it,” he says.
It buzzes again.
I sit up. “It could be important. Where’s your phone?”
He waves his hand toward the coffee table, and I lean over and grab it, then frown at the name that crosses the screen.
“Why is Ryan messaging you?”
Fucking hell.
I’m in so much trouble.
My chest is tight as I try to come up with a way to explain Ryan’s message that she’ll actually listen to. Based on the stiffness of her expression, she’s already fortifying her walls, just in case she’s about to be slammed by another betrayal.
I hate that I’ve put her in a position to get hurt. Again.
I should have told her about Ryan earlier. I was enjoying our date and didn’t want to end on a sour note, but I should have just sucked it up and done it. Then we wouldn’t be here. I might not have gotten to taste her either, but then, I never expected to tonight, so it was a delightful bonus. I didn’t think she’d be willing to be so vulnerable with me yet.
And look what happened.
“Tyler?” She passes me the phone, even though it’s obvious she wants to read the message. She’s too good to encroach on my privacy like that though.
That makes one of us.
Is there a way I can gloss over it? Make my arrangement with Ryan sound less significant than it was?
No. I need to be completely honest with her if this is going to work.
“There’s something you need to know.”
She scrambles off me and snatches her shirt off the back of the sofa. “What?”
I swing my legs around so I’m seated properly and pat the cushion beside me. She narrows her eyes but sits and dons the shirt.
“What is it?” she repeats. “You’re worrying me.”
To my relief, she lets me take her hand.
“When you went to college, I was worried about you—especially after what Eric did to you.” I choke on my former friend's name, and guilt spikes through me, hot and cold at the same time.