“Are you kidding?” I ask. “I love children. I hope to have a big family of my own someday .”
Lexi laughs. “Oh my gosh. Can you just imagine Colton as a dad?” Her eyes go wide and everyone, Sarah included, dissolves into giggles .
I frown. “He’s great with Claire. And every time I’ve seen him around other kids, he’s good with them, too .”
Sarah rolls her eyes. “That’s because he’s basically a kid himself .”
“Isn’t that the truth?” Lexi chuckles, shaking her head and smiling broadly. “Whenever we ask him to babysit, we’re never really sure who is watching who .”
The women laugh and voice their agreement. I smile while I try to think of something to say. It’s clear they don’t know the real Colton, only the version of him he’s allowed everyone to see. If they knew all the ways he’s sacrificed himself for his family, they’d feel terrible for the things they’re saying about him now. But these aren’t my friends, and this isn’t my fight, at least not yet. So, I sit quietly, looking pleasant as I sip my Long Island, and wait for the conversation to shift to better topics .
“Does this mean Liam wants to add on a new room for the baby?” Lexi asks Bailey who shakes her head in response .
“We’re going to convert Michael’s old room into a nursery,” Bailey says and then turns to me. “I swear I didn’t mean to monopolize the conversation about baby stuff. Are you enjoying teaching at Wildland ?”
“Yes. Very much.” The women ping pong questions my way and it doesn’t take long to realize that I could easily see myself as one of their friends. Even Sarah is laughing, though her arms are folded across her chest and she’s leaning as far back in her chair as she can manage without falling over. I’m in the middle of explaining the very few differences between my hometown of Bliss and Brookside when I get a sense of the door opening behind me again. I pause and turn, and my gaze falls on none other than Colton, his hat low and his smile wide .
My heart skips a few beats and I forget what I was saying as happiness and butterflies take wing through my system. The women follow my gaze and laugh .
I hear someone say, “She’s got it bad,” but I couldn’t tell who because all I have room for is Colton. He grimaces when he sees the full table and walks our way, looking apologetic .
“I didn’t mean to interrupt,” he says before leaning down to kiss me. I slide a hand up his arm and grip his strong muscles .
“Right.” Sarah lifts an eyebrow. “I’m sure that’s what all the overprotective assholes say when they check up on their girlfriends .”
Colton pulls out a chair and spins it around before straddling it. “Say what you want, but I’d be the asshole if I didn’t check in on her. I knew she was out with you and didn’t see her car in the lot when I drove by. The only decent thing to do was pop in and make sure you hadn’t left her stranded again .”
“Ouch.” Sarah grimaces. “Touché, big brother. Touché .”
I laugh at the sibling rivalry. “I parked in the back. I know Sarah well enough by now to know I should never trust her to get me home .”
Colton runs a hand up my back. “That’s my girl.” He leans over, looking me full in the face. “Any chance I could pull you away from this? I have something I want to show you .”
I glance at the other women at the table. My answer is yes, but I don’t want to be rude. Colton sees my hesitation. “You know what? It can wait. Don’t worry.” He stands and spins his chair back around and fits it under the table .
“What’s happening? Is he trying to steal you away?” Michelle asks .
I glance at Colton and my hesitation is all the women need to read between the lines. “Go on,” says Sarah. “Go do whatever it is you two want to do to each other. But just remember,” she says, pointing a finger at me. “This time, you’re the one leaving with the sketchy guy. Not me .”