Page 34 of Along Comes Trouble


A nother Friday,another night out with Sarah. Between Colton taking me out for dinner and drinks every night of the week and me meeting Sarah at Smitty’s on Fridays, I can’t remember the last time I spent a night alone at my apartment. My reading time has dwindled and that might actually be a good thing. Now, when I finally pick up my Kindle, I’m starting to see all the reasons everyone loved the book I couldn’t get into, instead of all the reasons it was exactly the same as every other book I’ve read. My boredom wasn’t the book’s fault. It was mine. I’d fallen into a rut and Sarah and Colton have pulled me right out of it. Now I’m the kind of person I used to like to sit at home and read about and I like the way that feels. I like it a lot .

I pull into Smitty’s and park in the very back of the lot, right next to Sarah’s car. After the Halloween party, I learned my lesson. I don’t care how much Sarah begs, I will always drive myself in my own vehicle so she doesn’t leave me stranded when she ends up going home with someone other than me. She’s a lot of fun, but man, she’s a terrible friend .

As I climb out of the car, frigid air blasts me in the face, whipping my hair around my head like some kind of Medusa. I gather it in my hand, trying to capture all the flyaways, and burrow deeper into my coat. After all the time I spent on my hair, it’d be a shame for the wind to ruin it before anyone sees me. The heels of my new boots click across the pavement as I round the corner and haul open the front door .

Sarah waves at me from a table near the bar and then whistles as I take off my coat and sling it over my arm. “Look at you,” she says and then makes a circular motion with her hand. “Come on, let me get the whole effect .”

I spin in place, blushing, but pleased. “You like ?”

“Those jeans couldn’t look better on you and the color of your sweater does amazing things to your skin tone. You must have had one crazy good shopping trip .”

“I did. Welcome to the newer, trendier, Tessa Morgan.” I drape my coat over the back of my chair and smile as our waitress, a pretty thing named Riley, approaches .

“What’s it gonna be tonight?” asks the young woman in the Smitty’s shirt. “A gin and tonic or a Long Island ?”

“I’ll go with the Long Island,” I say as I pull out my chair and sit, pleased that I’ve become enough of a regular for her to anticipate my order .

Riley bobs her head and strolls off toward the bar while Sarah rolls her eyes. “Let me guess. You went with the Long Island because you’re missing Colton .”

“Exactly.” I let out a long breath, smiling like a loon. “I miss him the very moment we say goodbye. It’s like my heart doesn’t recognize time, only that it wants him and he’s not here .”

“Gag.” Sarah shakes out her hair. “You two are so disgusting together .”

“What? Because we’re happy ?”

“Not just happy. You guys are sickeningly happy. I bet it takes you half an hour to end a phone call because you can’t decide who should hang up first .”

I laugh. “I can’t even try to deny it .”

A blast of cold air hits me in the back as the front door opens. Sarah and I glance at the new arrivals. I recognize Lexi, Bailey, and Michelle from the night I had to sit next to Colton, before I figured out how amazing he really is. “Aren’t those your brother’s friends?” I ask .

Sarah nods as she lifts a hand in greeting. “Yeah.” She pauses. “You think I should invite them over here ?”

“Why not?” I ask. “The more the merrier .”

“I guess.” Sarah doesn’t sound all that certain about things, but she waves them over regardless. “Hey,” she says when they arrive at the table. “You want to sit with us ?”

The newcomers agree and we shift to make room. Riley returns with my drink, smile in place, pen and paper in hand. Lexi and Michelle ask for beers while Bailey bites her lip and then orders a Sprite .

“A Sprite?” Lexi shakes her head. “No way. Bring this woman a beer .”

Bailey’s face makes it clear the situation is not up for negotiation. “Please. Just a Sprite .”

The moment Riley walks away, Lexi turns to Bailey. “What is up with you?” she asks and then understanding dawns across her face. “Holy shit. You’re pregnant !”

“Lexi!” Bailey hisses and then shushes her. “Please, bring it down a notch. The last thing I want is for the whole town to know.” She glances around the bar, looking for anyone who might have heard .

“But I’m right, aren’t I?” The joy on Lexi’s face brightens the whole table .

Bailey nods and the three friends dissolve into shrieks and squeals of congratulations while Bailey tries and fails to quiet everyone down. Sarah and I sit, smiling and uncomfortable, until the hubbub subsides .

“Sorry about that,” Bailey says to us while Lexi dabs at her eyes with a napkin. “I didn’t mean to make such a big deal about it. I should have known better than to try and sneak anything past this one.” She jerks a finger at Lexi .

Sarah grins. “Don’t be sorry. I’m really happy for you.” Her words ring true, but something in her eyes is off. I offer my congratulations while I battle down a jolt of jealousy. I’d love to start a family, but I’m so far away from being ready that it’s not even worth the energy I spend daydreaming about it .

Michelle leans forward and puts a hand on Sarah’s arm. “I hear you came by the house for poker. You’re welcome any time. Really. And if you get tired of hanging out with the guys, you could join us.” Michelle turns to me. “That goes for you, too. Although I understand if you would rather not deal with us mother hens and all our screaming offspring .”