Page 17 of Along Comes Trouble

The guy-liner .

That damn grin .

“There’s not one word that comes out of your mouth that can be trusted, is there?” I ask once I’ve recovered my ability to speak .

Colton drops his arms to his sides. “What on earth makes you say that ?”

“What was it? Four days ago? You pretended like you’ve never heard of Game of Thrones and now here you are, dressed in the best Drogo costume I’ve ever seen and quoting his favorite phrase like a pro.” I pause as realization hits me. “Wait. You looked it up, didn’t you?” Way to go, Tess. Accuse the man of being a liar when he went to all this trouble for …


For what ?

Why would Colton go to all of this trouble to dress like a character he’s never heard of ?

“No,” Colton says. “Well, yes. I did look it up. But I also borrowed the books and started reading them after you mentioned your costume.” Colton grins. “Consider me a fan,” he adds with a shrug .

“You don’t look like the type. I mean, right now, in that costume, you definitely look like the type. But you know what I mean .”

“Believe me. I’m surprised, too.” He lifts an eyebrow. “But I thought you said everyone likes Game of Thrones . So, since I’m definitely in the ‘everyone’ category, doesn’t that automatically mean I’m the type ?”

“No, silly. Not that. You don’t look like the readingtype .”

“Why does everyone keep saying that?” Colton lifts his chin and squares his shoulders. “I mean, let me be honest. I’m enjoying the show a whole hell of a lot more, but, the books aren’t bad. And coming from me, that’s a huge compliment .”

I lean in and speak louder to be heard over the crowd. “That’s wonderful. I mean, it’s my personal mission statement to help instill at least a like of reading in my students. If I was even remotely involved in making you a partial convert…” I smile and bob my head, pleased. “Have you seen your sister’s costume?” I glance behind me and Sarah’s nowhere to be found. “She was right here a minute ago.” I crane my neck to see around a very large man standing where I expected to find my friend .

“Sounds like Sarah. She’ll make a reappearance sooner or later.” He gestures toward the sweatshirt I have balled up in my hand. “I assume that’s mine ?”

I glance down. “Right! I got so distracted by your costume, I almost forgot.” I hand the thing over. “Thanks again for letting me borrow it. And the flowers and donuts were sweet, too .”

Colton bobs his head, but doesn’t respond and silence stretches out awkwardly between us. For a guy I thought I hated, I sure am having a hard time ending this conversation. I open my mouth to make an excuse and walk away, but Colton interrupts .

“Since Sarah deserted you, you should let me buy you a drink. I hate to think of someone like you having to spend the night alone .”

“What, you mean a little bunny like me can’t handle herself in a crowded bar ?”

Color spreads across his cheeks and his face falls. “That’s not at all what I meant .”

He looks so contrite, I take instant pity on him. “I know. I’m just giving you a hard time .”

“And I totally deserved it.” Colton puts a hand on my back and guides me toward the bar .

“I’ll just have an iced tea though,” I say as we twist and wind our way through the crowd. “Sarah drove us here, but I know her well enough to know I’ll be driving us home. So it’s my job to stay sober .”

Colton cringes. “Normally, I’d call you crazy for being the only sober person at a party, but knowing what I know about Sarah, you’re doing the right thing.” We stop at the bar and he turns to me. “Although, the night just got started. One little drink won’t hurt, especially if you drink it slowly.” He bats his eyelashes. “Have fun with me ?”

He’s right. One drink won’t do me in, especially since we just got here and I’ve got hours to sober up. “Fine. One drink.” I hold up a finger. “But just one. You hear me ?”

“Let’s just say we’ll play it by ear. Another gin and tonic ?”

I shrug. “You know what? I think I’m in the mood to try something new.” And I mean that in more ways than one. Maybe it’s time I stopped playing it so safe all the time and started enjoying everything life has to offer .

“Something new.” Colton taps his chin with his finger. “Tequila shots? Absinthe ?”

“Definitely neither of those.” I lean in again as something sets most of the costumed crowd off cheering. “You know what? Surprise me. You’ve got one drink to make an impression on me. What’s it gonna be, big stuff ?”

Colton laughs and wraps an arm around my shoulder. “Trust me ?”