“You? No. I most definitely do not trust you .”
“This is only going to work if you promise to trust me .”
“It’s not going to happen.” I shrug. “I pegged you for trouble the moment I met you and you’ve only proven me right each time I’ve seen you since .”
“Do you think you could find it in your heart to trust me for just one night?” He flares his hands across his body. “I mean, I went to all this effort …”
I pretend to weigh the options. “Okay. One night. But I don’t think I need to warn you of the consequences if you let me down .”
“I won’t let you down, but you have to promise to trust me .”
I square my shoulders and lift my chin. “I give my solemn oath. A queen who trusts no one is as foolish as a queen who trusts everyone,” I reply, quoting one of my favorite lines from Game of Thrones .
“You aren’t going to regret this,” Colton says as he leans against the bar and signals to the bartender. “Prepare yourself for the best night of your life .”