“Oh no. Nothing like that. It’s just all so intense, you know? Things are happening left and right. I was all set to raise Gabe as a single mom for the rest of forever and now here we are, in Hawaii for the next three weeks.”
“Michelle said he asked you to move out there?”
“He did. I said no, obviously.”
“Obviously.” Bailey lets out a long breath.
“I mean, I have a job to worry about and Gabe. And what about my house? And I’ve spent my whole life in Brookside. Am I supposed to just up and move because I met someone who makes me feel like a queen?” I stand and pace to a window. True love. The words swell insideme.
“Those are all valid concerns.” Bailey clears her throat. “Of course, I do remember this certain blonde-haired, red-lipped friend of mine who once told me to stop worrying about something as mundane as a job when I might be staring at my happily-ever-after.”
I lean against a wall and wrap an arm around my stomach. “You’re as bad as Michelle.”
“That’s because we know what this is like, Lex. We ran head first into our soul mates when we weren’t even looking. Or hell, I ran right into mine when I didn’t even believe in stupid shit like that.” She laughs lightly. “Michelle and I know from experience that this is life changing stuff. I promise you, none of the things you mentioned—not the house, the job, the routine—none of them are more important than finding out if this is really yourguy.”
“And how do I know if he’s myguy?”
“You’ll know. It’s one of those things you can’t explain to someone who hasn’t experienced it. But when it’s real? Youknow.”
Gabe comes thumping down the stairs, his hair sticking up around his head, mussed from sleep. “Gabe just woke up,” I say to Bailey.
“Damn. I forgot about time zones and stuff. It’s almost lunchtime here. Well listen, I’ll let you go, but you have to promise me that you’ll keep me filled in on all the magic. You’re my best friend, Lex and you were there for me when Liam had my head spinning in circles. Let me be there for you while Ty is spinning around in yours.”
Gabe leans into me and I wrap an arm around him, drawing him close. “I promise,” I say to Bailey. “So, how was your honeymoon?”
“Oh, Lex.” She sighs the words and I can hear the smile in my friend’s voice. “It was everything it needed to be. Lots of hot sex in sweet, sweet paradise with the man I love more than anything. I’m telling you, if you’ve found your Liam, you need to be prepared to accept some changes in your life. It’s beyond worthit.”