Page 46 of This Is Why


Ty wakesbright and early for work the next day. “Go back to sleep,” he whispers as he slides out of bed. I roll over and pull the covers tighter to my chin, but it’s no use. I’m awake. My body still hasn’t fully adjusted to Hawaii time. Besides, if Ty’s going to be gone all day, the least I can do is spend the morning with him before he heads out towork.

While he’s in the shower, I head downstairs and get the coffee brewing and start some breakfast. He’s nothing but efficient, taking the quickest shower I’ve ever seen, before he comes thumping down the stairs looking every bit the Marine in his uniform and combat boots. His hair seems shorter, his shoulders broader, his jaw more pronounced. This a different version of Ty, one who’s harder, tougher, stronger than the one I’m usedto.

“Holy shit. Did you make breakfast?” He grins, breaking the illusion.

“It is the most important meal of the day.” I slide some scrambled eggs out of the pan and onto a plate, add a couple pieces of toast, and then set them down on the table.

“A man could get used to this,” he says and then digs in with abandon.

And a woman could get used to this.The thought strikes me as I watch him eat the meal I prepared, bobbing his head and smiling like I presented him with a gourmet meal instead of simple scrambled eggs and toast.

“I hate that I have to leave you guys alone all day.” He takes a long swig of coffee and sighs in appreciation. “If I could get out of work, I would.”

“Don’t even worry about it. Gabe and I will be fine. We’ll go to the beach. Maybe we’ll rest a little and try to catch up on sleep. And if we get too bored, Tara invited us to stop by whenever we wanted.”

Ty smiles. “She’s a goodone.”

“Seems like it. And Gabe couldn’t get enough of Toby. I think he likes having a boy to play with.” I liked Tara instantly. It would be easy to write off her invitation as nothing but politeness and manners, but she seemed genuine. I don’t think I’ll feel awkward at all if I get bored enough to walk over to her house and bug her while Jack and Ty are at work, but, with the ocean right here, I can’t imagine ever getting bored.

Ty finishes his coffee, carries his plate to the sink, and then draws me into his arms. “I like having you here. Alot.”

“I like being here.” I wrap my arms around his shoulders.

“Good.” Ty steps out of my arms. “And you better be here when I get back.” He levels a stern finger atme.

I do my best version of a salute, which I’m sure is terrible. “Yes, Sir.”

Ty hangs his head and laughs. “Maybe it’s best if you never do that again.” He steps in close and kisses me. I part my lips and drag my tongue along his bottom lip. He pulls back ever so slightly. “Now that?” he asks. “You go ahead and do that as often as you want.” He gives me one more kiss and then leaves for work, promising to be back as soon as hecan.

No sooner has he closed the door behind him then my phone buzzes with an incoming text. I grab it and open the lock screen to see a message fromTy.

Ty: Miss you already.

I smile and peek out the window. He sees me as he’s backing out of the driveway, pauses, and blows me a kiss. I wave my goodbye and sigh heavily as his car disappears from view. I didn’t expect to like it here so much. We’ve only spent one day together, and a Sunday to boot, so I know it’s too early to draw any firm conclusions but damn. It’s good. I know things might change drastically with Ty going to work every day. But, wow. If this is life with Tyler, then maybe my decision isn’t as cut and dry as I think it is. Maybe staying in Brookside because I have a life established there isn’t the right answer after all. Maybe, after three weeks here in paradise with this man who might be my everything, maybe the answer will be clearer than I ever thought possible. And maybe I’ll surprise myself.

I pass some time, drinking coffee and listening to the constant rush of the ocean while thinking through the last couple weeks. My phone buzzes again, interrupting my thoughts. I look down, expecting another text from Ty, but see a message from Bailey instead.

Bay: WTF!!! Lex!! I go away for a week and you go off chasing men halfway around the world?? Where the hell did this comefrom??

I laugh. I knew she’d be furious when she got home and found me gone but come on. I know better than to think my crazy shit is worth interrupting her honeymoon.

Me: Hey, Bay. How was BoraBora?

Bay: Oh, so you do know how to use your phone … I couldn’t be sure because, you know, all this crazy shit happened and you didn’t even bother to send me atext.

Me: I didn’t want to bother you on your honeymoon.

Bay: You know what they say about excuses, right?

I’m in the middle of tapping out a response when my phone vibrates with an incoming call from Bailey. I answer the thing, happy beyond measure to hear her voice.

“You know I’m kidding, right?” she asks. “I mean, one text wouldn’t have killed you, but if you’ve found someone worth chasing to Hawaii, then more power to you my friend. Who am I to judge you for going a little crazy over truelove?”

I sigh and lean back in my chair. “I can’t tell you how good it is to hear your voice.” Her words echo in my mind. True love. Is that what thisis?

“Uh-oh. Trouble in paradise?”