That’s exactly what happened when I saw him. I just knew he was mine. The same way, when I met Lexi, I just knew she was mine, too. I have no doubt that we are all created out of the same stuff and put on this earth to find each other.
I fold my arms on the table. “See, here’s the thing, Gabe. It makes me really sad that I haven’t been here for you up until now. That is not the kind of dad I want to be. Even though I was off fighting bad guys, if I had known about you, nothing could have kept meaway.”
“How many bad guys did you fight?”
I blink and sit back, images of gunfire and the sound of men yelling going off in my head. “Lots andlots.”
“Do you still have to fight badguys?”
I nod, sad about it for the first time. “I do. I have to leave again verysoon.”
Lexi sits forward. “Ty and I wanted you to know before he left. So you had time to ask any questions and get used to the idea of him being your father.”
Gabe’s face crumbles and he looks upset for the first time since we started this conversation. “You have to leave again? Howsoon?”
“In a couple days. But I am all yours until then.” It’s not enough. Even as I say it, I recognize it’s not enough, but the look on his face tells me Gabe also knows it’s not enough and that crushesme.
“And what about after?” he asks, his voice thick with emotion.
“I’m still all yours. We’ll figure this out and even though I might have to leave from time to time, I promise you that I will always come back to you. Always. And when I make a promise, I keepit.”
Gabe bounds out of his chair and wraps his arms around my neck. “I’m really glad you’re mydad.”
“I’m really glad you’re my son,” I say as I memorize the moment when I finally hug my boy for the firsttime.
Lexi stands and moves to the sink. When she thinks I’m not looking, she wipes away the tears rolling down her cheeks. I thump Gabe on the back and pullaway.
Lexi turns around, smiling sweetly. “Why don’t you brush your teeth and get dressed and Ty and I can figure out what today is going to looklike.”
“I can already tell you what it’s gonna look like,” Gabe says. “It’s gonna look good because I have a dad and his name is Ty.” He gives me one last tight hug and then practically skips out of theroom.
“That went easier than expected.” Lexi wipes more tears from hereyes.
“Things might bubble up in a few days as he has time to digest the news, but yes. That was definitely one of the best possible outcomes.”
“Let me guess, you’ve been researching this fordays.”
I point a finger and raise my eyebrows. “Bingo.”
Lexi swipes her coffee cup off the table, and then pauses. “You good or are you ready for a refill, too?”
I stare into my empty mug. “I’d love a refill.” I hand her the mug and then dive right into phase two of this conversation. “Remember last night when I promised you I’d figure out how we could have a real relationship instead of a long-distanceone?”
She turns her head to look at me over her shoulder. “Yeah…” She gives her attention back to the coffee. “You mean the impossible solution to the impossible situation?”
“For the record, nothing is impossible, especially when I’m around.”
Lexi brings me my mug and then takes a seat. “I have to admit, I do love it when you get all hoorah and Sempre Fi onme.”
“I’m not really sure what that means, but I’m going to take it as a compliment.” I take a drink and smile as I set the mug down in front of me. “Here’s the thing. I make a decent amount of money. I also get overseas pay, hazard pay, and a per diem when I’m deployed. And I’m deployed a lot. I live on base, and because of my somewhat transient lifestyle, I live frugally. What I’m trying to say here is that I have more than enough money to be comfortable and happy for a longtime.”
Lexi laughs. “Okay.” She scrunches up her nose and shrugs. “How nice for you. Should I congratulate you? I don’t really know the proper response to that statement.” She’s teasing me and I love her forit.
“Sometimes the best way to solve a difficult situation is to throw a bunch of money atit.”
Lexi looks dubious. “Something tells me I’m not going to like this solution because I’m not loaded nor am I in the habit of accepting handouts.”
“But what if you loveit?”