Page 30 of This Is Why

“Yeah. I thought I’d never get tofive.”

“And what did youdo?”

“I kept practicing until I was strong enough.”

“It’s the same thing now. You just have to keep trying.”

Gabe leans into his mom. “I know. That’s what Ty said, too.”

“Ty is a very smart man.” Lexi comes into the kitchen and leans into me as she reaches up for a coffee cup. It’s a brief moment of contact, but I welcome it. I wish I could pull her close and wrap her in my arms and kiss her good morning, but I suppose that wouldn’t go over well with a six-year-old in theroom.

“Good morning to you,” I say, smiling down into her beautifulface,

“Good morning to you.” She reaches into the fridge for some cream. “Thank you for making coffee. And breakfast.”

“Thank you for inviting me to your sleepover.” I give her a wink as Gabe drags the chair back in range of the pull-up bar. “He’s pretty wicked strong.” I flip the last pancake onto a plate and add the scrambled egg mixture into a freshpan.

“That he is. Everyone thought I was crazy for buying him that pull-up bar, but it was that or the shower curtain rod was at risk.” She eyes Gabe. “Again.”

He drops from the bar. “How was I supposed to know it wasn’t strong enough to holdme?”

Lexi shakes her head and then looks at me. “See what I’m dealing withhere?”

The conversation between them is comfortable, familiar. It reminds me of the way the Carmichaels interact. Warm. Relaxed. And full oflove.

I finish cooking and get everything plated up. Lexi grabs the syrup out of the pantry and pours a glass of milk for Gabe. We eat until we’re stuffed and then Gabe and I go out into the backyard and throw the football back and forth for a while. I give him a few pointers and his wobbly throws straighten out enough to make him sure he’s going to impress his friend the next time he goes to daycare. Lexi watches us from the patio and the look on her face is priceless. Pride mixed with love mixed with something bigger. I don’t have a name for it, but I recognize it because I feel it, too.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I hold up my hand to Gabe. “Hold on a sec, bud.” I fish it out and swipe itopen.

Paige: Remember me? Your sister? The one who just had a baby? The whole reason you came to Brookside in the first place?

I tap out a quick reply.

Me: Wait? Who is this? I have a sister???

I toss the ball to Gabe and then head over to Lexi. “My sister is full-on about to kill me rightnow.”

“Oh no. What happened?”

“Well, I came to home to Brookside because she just had a baby and I wanted to see her and meet my nephew.”

“Michelle told me at the wedding.” Her voice is like storm clouds on the horizon, full of impending threat.

“Well … I saw her once, right after you and I had lunch at the hospital, but I haven’t been back.” I give Lexi my best smile in the hopes that she won’t be offended on behalf of all new mothers everywhere.

Lexi’s jaw drops. “Are you kiddingme?”

“I’ve been otherwise occupied.”

“Are you telling me that you have ignored your post-natal sister and newborn nephew because of me? You’re not saying that, are you. Ty. Tell me you’re not sayingthat.”

“They have a saying in the Marines. When you lie, people die. And I’ve taken that to heart, so I’m really not comfortable with what you’re asking me to dohere.”

She slaps me on the arm. “Tyler! What are you even doing here right now? Go! See your sister and hold that baby and kiss him right on the top of his head and you apologize to her for not going to visit more often. In fact, don’t just apologize. Bring a gift. A big gift. Babies are a bigdeal.”

Her words hurt, but I don’t dare let it show on my face. Babies are a big deal. A really big deal. And I missed out on getting to see mine for the first six years of his life. I stand and salute. “Yes, ma’am!”

Lexi’s eyes go wide and she smiles wickedly. “You feel free to do that whenever you want.” She makes a show of fanning herself. “Who would have thought I had a thing for a militaryman?.”