Page 19 of Broken

Rowan chuckles as he tightens his grip around my shoulder. “What Lev meant to say is that he risked himself to get your Omega out of a bar that we didn’t even know existed. Seems that there are a lot more shady dealings in this city than anyone is aware of. Without Lev’s quick thinking, I’m not sure Cole would be standing here.”

The Alpha raises an eyebrow before leaning down to kiss the top of Cole’s head. “The money in your account should be enough to shut this down but I’m padding it for bringing my Omega back to me. It wasn’t part of the agreement but I had hoped you would.” I manage a smile while silently telling the Basilisks to ask that question later. The wolf steps forward, unearthing a business card. “If you’re ever looking for a bit of work, I could use a few good men with heads on their shoulders.”

I stare at the offending piece of paper, reading it several times in disbelief. Essence PI. “Wait, what? Why would you hire me when you have a whole business?”

“Because we know that sometimes there is someone else better for the job. We have a lot of brute force on our team but brains? Severely lacking. Besides, when it comes to our Omegas, we will do anything. Let me get Cole home. I’ll be awaiting your call.”

Cole tears himself away from his Alpha and throws himself at my chest, thanking me profusely before they both leave.

I’m still in shock that the Alpha offered me a job—Mr. Gerald Winston—if the card is correct.

“He was your client?” Amand asks.

“Apparently? I didn’t know until I realized the number Cole called was the same one.”

I pull away from Rowan and place the card on the counter before beginning a search for food and remembering that there isn’t any. Rowan steps closer, breaking my concentration. “So, they’re currently down an Omega but I don’t know how long that will last. Additionally, we have another problem. Vince.”

Amand lets out a deep breath. “Let him come to us. Until then, we’re going back to our place where there is food. Lev, I even promise to give you enough blankets to stay warm.”

It’s a fair trade and I would love warm food and a nap. Anything to distract me from the fact that the one person I decided to trust is the worst of them all.

Chapter 16


Not even 24 hours later and I’m trying not to be a cunt of an officer as I grab my third cup of coffee this morning. Everything had been set up perfectly. We were at an undisclosed location and all I had to do was hand off the poor little Omega to fulfill my quota. One fucking deal with a witch and I’ve been paying up for the last five years. The small jobs I had completed weren’t enough.

So, when she asked this of me, I gladly said yes.

With a little magic, how hard could it be to steal a few Omegas? Poor little souls so susceptible to a few threats or empty promises to protect their Alphas. Add in a little dark magic and it’s been like taking candy away from a baby.

I had no idea what Briar needed them for but it didn’t matter. So long as I was off the hook at some point, I would continue doing her bidding. Until the first one showed up dead and I had a case on my hands. No one at the precinct wanted to touch it and seeing as how my track record was spotless, the chief handed it to me. Lev butting his nose into this shit wasn’t shocking but every time he got a little closer, I knew it would only be a matter of time before he realized I was connected.

Add in the Petrovs and I was running out of time. I just needed one more damn Omega until they ruined everything.

The Basilisks never mentioned turning up at the bar so I assumed that they hadn’t. It doesn’t help that I’m not allowed access to the cameras at the bar itself and flashing a badge will ruin everything I’ve built. My magic can do a lot but it can’t smell other designations or feel them out like Lev and the Petrovs can. Unfortunately, when I noticed one of my case files missing, I knew that Lev was a lot closer to solving this case than I believed.

I manage a few grumbled hellos before stalking to my office, ignoring the billionth call from Briar. She can wait. I need to find a way to fix this.

A gentle knock interrupts my deep thoughts as I glance up to stare at one of the officers. He’s a pixie type, soft features, and long hair that everyone in this office is jealous of. “Vince, they found the Omega. Well, he escaped? The details are fuzzy but he’s safe and sound with his Alpha. Came in last night.”

I huff out a laugh, hidden by a large gulp of coffee as I lean against the edge of my desk. That Omega didn’t just show up. He was rescued but how, I’m still trying to figure that out. Even though there isn’t any evidence, I know this is Lev’s work. It’s how he saved Gloria. I thought the creature I sent after Lev the last time would deter his private investigation. Little did I know that I just gave the piece of shit more of a desire to solve the case.

“That’s wonderful, Phillip. I’ll call him-”

“He’s already in one of the interrogation rooms with his Alpha. Thought you might want to take the lead on this.” Phillip raises a brow, shooting me a warm smile but I’m not in the mood to give it back. That little Omega should also be dead or tied up doing whatever Briar needed him for. I’ve never asked and I don’t want to know now. Lev shares very little and while the Petrovs are due here some time today to explain, I think I’m cutting it too close.

“Let Harris get it. I need to follow up a lead and hopefully end this once and for all.” Which is another way of saying that I’ll drag that witch to her death and then pin all this shit on her. If she’s not alive, no one can say any different. Breaking the magical debt I owe her will be near impossible but it’s the last choice I have.

I wave Phillip away and focus on my coffee as my mind wanders. A different idea filters into my head, one that might just work if everything falls into the right place. Lev might know that I’m not who I say I am but if he wants to keep playing the ruse, he might just believe me one last time.

“Lev,” I say after dialing the PI’s number. “We’ve got a break in the case. The Omega came in this morning with his Alpha on his own. Meet me at the café across the street from the precinct. This ends today.”

I’m surprised that he even picked up, his even breathing on the other side telling me that he’s taking his time to answer. “15 minutes.” Then the call ends and I’m on edge. Lev couldn’t possibly know that I was behind this despite the case folder he swiped from my desk. I’ve been the one police officer to take an interest in him all these years, ignoring some of his more out-of-the-box tactics. My intentions aren’t entirely pure, my magic intrigued by Lev’s lack of designation.

Setting him in certain situations or ‘allowing’ him to work cases have been to satisfy my curiosity. Unfortunately, I’ve never been able to figure out what his designation is. Until he spent less than five minutes with the Petrovs. Asking me to step out of the room the day they brought Lev to me told me all I needed to know.

I’ve always known Lev was a reptilian type but a Chameleon? When it comes to a pure designation, Chameleons are one of the best. Rare, beautiful, and full of magic. If I can’t grab another Omega, maybe I can lure Lev into that witch’s hands to fulfill my debt.