And if not?
I’ll just kill her.
Win, win situation.
Chapter 17
“You’re not coming,” I say for the fifteenth time. Amand has had me curled up on the couch for the better part of the last day as we sift through the evidence we’ve gathered. We can’t find anything on the witch other than she owns a little home at the edge of the city. No one we’ve spoken to has anything bad to say about her, just that she’s pretty reclusive.
As for the bar, the few contacts between the three of us say that the structure was erected in the last several months. It’s mostly for affairs and shady dealings regarding money deals or drugs but the occasional case of a stolen Omega pops up. It’s a gateway to hell as one of Rowan’s contacts so gleefully told us.
I can’t imagine the pain and terror that the Omegas went through being dragged out there and handed off to a witch. The worst part is that no one seems to know what happens after the Omegas leave the bar with the woman. The trail goes cold and no one has any idea where she goes. There’s also the problem of Vince, a latent magic user sitting right beneath our noses and a police officer at that. He’s been able to manipulate the system for far longer than anyone has been aware.
I feel played.
We were never friends but I was fond of him.
It doesn’t matter his reasoning; I’ll never forgive him for this. I hope he rots in jail if Amand and Rowan don’t get to him first. Vince knowingly used his magic to cover his face so that the victims wouldn’t recognize him should they show back up alive. I don’t think for a moment Vince expected any of them to return but knowing that he went the extra mile pisses me off.
I blow out a heavy sigh as I head for the door, growling when Amand steps up to stop me. “You both can’t go. He thinks I don’t know anything. Sit outside or whatever but if you go in, Vince won’t talk to me.”
Amand pulls me back into his chest, wrapping his arms around my stomach as his chin falls to the top of my head. The last several hours have been a bit strange—comfortable, but odd. There’s been a lot of touching and cuddling after we finally had a healthy conversation regarding my designation.
I bury my face into the fridge, hoping there is something to eat to distract me from the elephant in the room. Cole is safe. Vince is bad. And we’re one step closer to ending this shit. Unfortunately, if we don’t discuss my supposed designation, things are only going to get worse. The moment I stepped into their apartment, I scurried as far away as I could. It won’t help, though. Fatal attraction doesn’t really work on proximity, not the way I thought it did.
We’ve already taken that disastrous step. Staying away from Amand and Rowan won’t save me. It might prolong my days but my heart will hurt with every moment I reject them.
“We ordered pizza, Lev. Close the fridge. Talk to us.”
I grunt as the door is closed for me, Amand standing there as he silently demands answers. “We can’t do this,” I breathe. He’s too close. Those pretty sea-green eyes staring down at me, that scruffy light orange hair bringing out the beauty of his face. His tongue flits between his lips as desire flashes in his gaze. “No. I came here because we needed to talk. That’s it.” I pull away and plant my ass on one of the barstools beside the kitchen island. “I did some research and staying away doesn’t help any more than staying here or near you two.”
We all work in the same business. It doesn’t hurt to stay close. After this, I wonder if they’ll break away from the precinct altogether regarding Vince’s involvement with the wrong side. Rowan leans across the counter, resting on his forearms. His head tilts as he observes me, eyes flitting between slits and full pupils. A mixture of fear and excitement runs through me as my magic takes over, my body disappearing into the surroundings.
Heightened emotions activate this part of my magic as well, which is highly inconvenient. I shake my head to become visible again, shooting Rowan a sympathetic smile. “Sorry. Nerves. Look, we can share a space, right? That’ll work for proximity but-”
“You wouldn’t date us?” Amand asks. He sounds hurt.
“Is that what we’re calling this? Biology and Mother Nature threw us together. Yes, I’m physically attracted to you but we have no idea how fatal attraction works because no one has been around a chameleon in how long? I also can’t just ask for details because then everyone will know.” Even as I speak, my heart constricts, contradicting my words.
I don’t love these men. After only knowing them for a few days, that’s impossible for me. I don’t keep people close after my parents died. Gloria and Vince are the extent of my human interaction most days. Rowan reaches across the counter, gently grabbing one of my hands in his. “I’m not saying that this has to happen, Lev. I’m asking if it might. If you’re open to it. You're right; the circumstances fucking suck. However, Mother Nature did throw us together and until one of us dies, that bond will remain.”
Can this be more than just lust? I’ve been semi-hard since Rowan fucked me and I’ve imagined more than once Amand taking me apart as Rowan watches or both of them sharing me together. But those aren’t feelings. That’s just desire. I search deeper, past the life I had thought I was resigned to live. There I found a little tendril of hope that there’s a happy ending at the end of the tunnel. Their venom might slowly drag me into madness but finding myself against a warm chest or around people who care is what I’ve been missing.
As if Amand can read my mind, he steps up to my side and draws me against him, his arms wrapping around my waist. “Whatever you choose, Lev, we’ll be right here.”
I want to make a point that biologically, they don’t have a choice. We’ll be in physical pain if separated for long periods of time. But that’s not what Amand means and I know that. I twist just enough to meet his gaze, tipping up my chin as an invitation. “I think I want my happy ending and if it’s with you two, I don’t hate the idea.” Amand offers me a tight smile before leaning down to press his lips to mine.
The kiss is slow and sweet, the Basilisk offering more than just his body. Unspoken promises filter through his magic as it wraps around me, Rowan saddling up at my other side. His lips attach to my neck, tongues dragging along my skin until heat begins to bleed through my limbs and down to my dick. As much as I would love to succumb to that sexual haze from a few days ago, I’m not ready to lose myself again. Not yet.
They only pull away when someone knocks on the door, most likely the pizza man.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve loved anyone, Amand. I’m not saying it won’t ever happen but don’t expect it tomorrow or next week. I’ll get there. I… I think I’ve wanted something like this for a long time but wanting it and actually having it are two different things. It’s a lot.” It’ll be a change waking up with two men down the hall. My sacred space just got a little bigger.
Amand puts a few feet of space between us before leaning back against the fridge, doing nothing to hide the bulge between his legs. “Love and romance are fickle things but they’ll come. Just know that Rowan and I will fiercely protect you in everything you do. You’re not just one man, anymore. You’re part of us. And should you give either of us the honor, we will physically bond you.”