Page 106 of Of Monsters Of Kings

King Raise wanted power over others.

He wanted power over kings and, in this way, he would become the only king.

“There’s one path to what you wish,” I told him plainly. “If I remain here, you will never get it. I haven’t answered your questions, and so you must watch how I interact with kings and princes and princesses to see how best to chain me to you. The only way to achieve that is to show me to the surface so that I might interact with them in the first place.”

A deep chuckle. “You are very ancient, but quite young in such dealings.”

“Is the matter not as I’ve presented it?”

“In part, new monster. You assume good will, and that is a human notion. I do not much care how your signature arrives on my contract, just that it does. Prince Sign, take her to the dungeons.”

The prince was aghast. “My liege, dungeons should not hold liquid wonder and?—”

“To the dungeons!”

I covered my ears at his roar. My last slumber was recent, and I had dinner plans with King See in a week. Please no more. I staggered until the weight of my mind’s squeeze and pulse until, gasping, I found a wall to sag against.

“And she shows more resistance to kings than my contractees informed me of,” the king said. “What else do you hide? And why do you hide it? Magnificent monster, you shall give me all answers in time. Prince Sign, take her away, and tell Prince Seal to unleash level seven protocol.”

The prince didn’t challenge his liege aloud this time, but his expression said it all.

King Raise asked in a silken voice, “Is there a reason you do not leap to my bidding?”

The prince clasped his hands behind his back. “Of course, my liege, I exist to see to your bidding as it pertains to your purpose. I seem at odds in this matter, which may stem from the fact this action does not align with the reason ancients warped you.”

“My purpose is to raise dreams, nightmares, desires, and even lives. Lady Patch isn’t exempt from my ability to raise.”

Prince Sign hesitated. “Yes, my liege. I hear what you’re saying. Perhaps my hesitation stems from the lack of signature on her preliminary questionnaire.”

“It matters not why. You don’t exist to hesitate. You have your orders.”

The prince bowed. “Level two protocols.”

“Seven, Sign. You try me for the last time tonight.”

Prince Sign straightened but didn’t meet his king’s steely regard. “As you say, sire.”

“Good evening to you, Lady Patch. Let us both hope that you are more cooperative at our next meeting.”

I pushed off the wall. “I doubt that I shall be, sir. You have made the wrong move on the gameboard this night.”

There was a flicker of surprise in the slight turn of his shoulders, but he didn’t backtrack his orders to Prince Sign.

“Lead the way, Prince Sign,” I told the monster beside me.

We left King Raise and continued down the endless, doorless hall. Prince Sign glanced at me three times but spoke not at all.

“Do not fret,” I said at last.

The prince widened his eyes. “I do feel this way, but it is you who might consider feeling fret, lady. Didn’t you hear my liege’s orders?”

“Yes,” I said pleasantly. “But that won’t happen. King Raise doesn’t see what he does, but we do.”

“We do?”

“We do.”

We walked down the endless hallway for a time.