Page 105 of Of Monsters Of Kings

I inclined my head. “King Raise, we meet.”

I wouldn’t say meeting him was a pleasure because his rudeness had picked at my calmness somewhat.

“I have been in error,” the king said. “I should have made haste to meet you, lady.”

Perhaps I should stay open to the idea that a person could learn from their mistakes.

“One as you is a powerful pawn to keep,” he said in the next breath.

The smile I’d nearly formed fell flat.

He regretted not making haste to meet me because he saw how I might be used. If there was a person not to surround myself with, King Raise might be him. Yet this was the way of him and the way to him. My wants had to align with his.

What did King Raise desire?

I trailed inside as far as his power would let me. His leathery skin matched his prince’s, but his business suit covered everything that the jewels on his fingers didn’t. Of course, his face remained blurred.

“This is your kingdom then, sir,” I said. “A wondrous collection of stairwells and eternal servitudes.”

“You are not frightened by it?” he purred.

“I was recently a human. I can appreciate a person who does what they can with what they’re given.”

“Then you understand what no other monster does.” His voice was silken.

I shouldn’t forget how many stairwells existed. This king would recognize a play on words. “Tell me then, why did you turn into your purpose when the other kings wished to spur theirs?”

Leather creaked, and the king approached the fire. “I wished to spur mine long ago, if you wish to know. As time went by, I saw that our interpretation of why we were here and immortal kings wasn’t correct, and so I made the choice to change the way I lived and what I lived for.”

I studied his suited shoulders and back. “I cannot fault you for that. A person should live for themselves.”

“Not a king, lady. Kings don’t get to do that.”

“Nor princes, nor princesses?”

He looked up and in my direction. “They are freer than kings.”

“Less so in some ways. A prince obeys orders, and a princess is chained to the whims of her king.”

“Your conversation is delightful,” he said suddenly. “Unexpectedly articulate and intriguing.”

I executed a small curtsy. “I am told.”

“Who tells you?”

“Mostly every monster I’ve met.”

A hum. “King Bring wishes you to concubine. King See wishes you to princess. King Change wishes you to ruin. King Take wishes you to puppet.”

This king was far better informed than he’d let on. “You want something from them.”

“Do I?”

“Why else would you keep tabs on them so?”

He didn’t answer, and that was an answer in itself.

What did he want from the other kings? The answer popped into my ancient mind without too much trouble. King Raise had decided to serve himself instead of serving ancients and fate. His offer to me was one of eternal servitude in exchange for making my deepest desire a reality.