Her eyes widened. “God, no. I could use a break from…” her voice trailed off, eyes cutting to her little sister.
Oblivious, Zoey sported a chocolate cake goatee as she scraped her plate clean. It had to be rough sharing a room with a six-year-old.
Kristin sent the kids off to finish homework, take showers, and pack overnight bags while she and I cleared the table.
“So, what about you?” I asked as I washed the dishes, then handed them off for her to dry.
“What about me?” she repeated the question, confused.
“You gonna sleep alone or share a room?”
She bit her lip, stifling a giggle as she clutched a plate like a shield. “I think you know my answer.” She craned around me to make sure the kids’ doors were shut before adding, “You know we’ll still have to be quiet, right? I don’t want them overhearing any adult activities.”
I leaned down, grazing my mouth against the shell of her ear. “Sunshine, if you get loud, I’ll just put my dick in your mouth.”
Kristin shuddered, her knuckles turning white against the plate.
I rinsed my hands and wiped them on my jeans. Using my arms to cage her in against the sink, I stared deep into her lust-filled eyes and grazed the back of my knuckles down her cheek.
“Would you like that, sweetheart?” I asked in a low growl.
Her chest pressed against mine.
I wanted nothing more than to grab her shirt and yank it hard down her body, tear her bra in two, and suck on her tits. I wanted to bite them. Mark them. Claim them. I wanted to see her spread out on my bed with the aftermath of my release striping her body.
“I—I’ve never—” Kristin clammed up.
I slid my hand down the front of her leggings, cupping her pussy through a layer of spandex. “Has anyone ever gone down on you? Eaten you out?”
She whimpered, closing her eyes and sucking in a breath to steady herself.
I drilled my knuckles into her pussy, even though she still had clothes on. It communicated my point loud and clear.
“I asked you a question,” I growled into her ear. “Has anyone ever licked this pussy until you came?”
Kristin shook her head.
I smiled. “Good girl. I’m going to be the first to taste you.”
And the last.
The kids were in their rooms, goodnights were said, and kisses had been doled out. Zoey begged me to read The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear four times. According to Kristin, it had been her favorite book since Zoey was barely old enough to hold her head up.
I sat in her skinny twin bed and read it—repeatedly—until her little eyes closed and she fell sound asleep.
With a yawn, I sauntered to the living room and removed the couch cushions.
“Don’t worry about pulling it out tonight,” Kristin said as she flipped the hallway light off.
“I’m pulling the bed out for you,” I argued, sliding the trunk she used as a coffee table out of the way.
She padded down the hall in a pair of light blue sleep shorts and a tank tight white top. Her belly ring peeked out from under the hem. “I’ll just sleep on top. I don’t want to bother putting it all up in the morning.”
I flipped the metal bar down and secured the sofa bed. “You need a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow’s gonna be a long day for you.”
Kristin grabbed her pillows and blankets and tossed them on top of the mattress.
I sat down on the edge of the bed and opened my arms.