I tilted my cheek towards him, expecting a chaste peck. But Aurik had other plans. His lips met mine with a claiming intensity that stole my breath.
I was disoriented by the kiss. A strange connection seemed to pass between us, as if some alien kinetic electricity had woven itself into our bodies and minds. Was that even possible?
Aurik broke the kiss, his eyes full of determination. "I did that because we’re being watched."
"Um, okay, not to kink-shame, but you've got horrible timing." I tried to regain my composure.
"I wanted that guard to think you and I were occupied in mating, not you trying to make a break for it.”
"Mating, as in sex?" I stammered, feeling heat rise to my cheeks. The whole situation was surreal and overwhelming.
Aurik's expression grew less stone-faced. "Mating is deeper than mere sex where I'm from, but the idea is the same. The point was to make him look away."
I turned to the right and caught the sharp-toothed alien captor glancing in our direction before quickly looking away, apparently satisfied that we were no threat.
As I tried to process Aurik's quick thinking, I couldn't help but wonder if trusting him was the right choice. My lips still tingled from the kiss. I found myself staring at his full lips, vaguely recognizing signs of sexual attraction surging through me. "I am all kinds of confused right now." My voice quivered with hesitation and something else—something warm and unsettling I couldn't quite name.
"Do you want to punch me in the face?" he asked, giving a playful pull on my hair.
I bit back a surprised moan, hiding the fact that my body had responded with arousal. "There's no kiss in the universe that will make me comfortable with this whole thing. No offense."
"None taken," he replied, a ghost of a smile on his lips. “Trust will keep us alive. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”
I swallowed hard, feeling the weight of my decision to trust him settle over me like a heavy blanket. I settled down beside Aurik, feeling the warmth of his body against mine. It was an odd comfort in spite of the anxiety that gripped me. "Is there a plan?"
"We have to go to the ring first in order to get out. Stay close to me and follow my lead."
He may as well have spoken riddles. I had no idea what he meant. The cargo vehicle tossed us against one another. I winced as my shoulder collided with Aurik's. As the adrenaline ran its course and slowed down, I began to get sleepy.
The cargo vehicle continued to rumble along the rough terrain. I turned my thoughts inward, grappling with the sensations and desires that Aurik had awakened within me. Trusting him might be a risk, but it seemed like a risk worth taking. For now.
I watched as Sonya dozed off, her head falling against me. She snored a little, using my arm as a pillow. I couldn't help but quirk a smile. It struck me then that this was the third time I'd smiled since I met her.
When was the last time I smiled so often? It must have been before I was captured and paraded around in Korga's fighting ring. But that was three months and counting. The last time I allowed myself to feel lightness of spirit was before I committed the unforgivable sin against my brother, something I could never fix.
My mind returned to the present. Sonya's head on my arm made my hand fall asleep. Strange enough, I didn't care. Something had changed in me since she appeared. I felt driven to protect her from Korga and ensure no other male claimed her. Raw desire surged through me for this human female, with her unreasonable, abundant fighting spirit and sweet willingness to trust someone like me.
A broken bounty hunter. A fallen warrior. One who couldn’t go home again.
"Are you comfortable?"
Sonya stirred at the sound of my voice, murmuring in her sleep before nestling further into my arm. As I studied her, I marveled at her delicate features; the plumpness of her lips, her honey-brown skin, and the crown of curls on her head. My gaze traveled down to her slender, curvy body, watching as her chest rose and fell in peaceful slumber.
I found myself wanting to know more about Sonya and help get her and the other captives to safety. Judging from the assortment of captives on board, they were likely headed to planet Xaxos, the most populated and diverse planet in the galaxy and home to the Wanderstar Fleet.
But there was a second nagging feeling that tugged at me – the idea of her leaving me. Could this be the beginning of a bond? When I was younger, I heard tales of my own people on my planet Yron. The tales centered on forming lifelong connections with a mate, but those were bonds formed with our own kind.
How could I feel such a strong connection with a human I just met?
"Oof." Sonya’s brown eyes flew open as the vehicle lurched to a stop. She landed in my lap. “Sorry.” I sensed her embarrassment as she scrambled to sit up.
I attempted to lighten the mood. "It wasn't nearly as bad as your snoring."
"Was I loud?"
I probably should’ve been ashamed for liking the dark berry blush that formed on her cheeks as she stared at me, mortified. Did her cheeks turn the same color when she was in the throes of lovemaking? My cock twitched in my pants at the thought.