He gave a single nod. “I worked alone, but it’s going to take more than one person to stop him.”

“Don’t recruit me.” I shuffled a few inches from him. “I’m only here because my flight made an emergency landing.”

“You’re still not hearing me. We’re going to Korga's fighting ring. Males and females battle, entertain, or provide service roles.”

I let his words sink in. “Oh. hell. no.”

Aurik put a finger to my mouth. Shocked by the audacity, I glared at him before I shoved his finger away. Unbothered, he leaned in close to me. I smelled a faint whisper of woods, iron, and male musk as his scent filled my nose. “Life in Korga’s compound can be harsh, but if we work together, you might stand a chance."

First rule of survival: never trust a guy with a sexy voice. The same goes for alien guys.

Me and rules never did work well together.

With a deep breath, I nodded.

“It appears you can be reasonable.” Aurik’s gaze softened ever so slightly. Despite the bad circumstances, I couldn't help but feel an odd sense of connection to this mysterious alien gladiator. Exactly who was he? Could I trust him with my life? It didn’t look like I had another choice.

Chapter Two


We had to be in the vehicle for at least a couple hours. It jolted over the rough terrain, shaking my body with each bump and dip. I had never been on a journey like this before, and it scared me to no end.

The storm outside added to the intensity. Bright lightning streaked through the dark sky. At one point, thunder boomed so loud, rattling the vehicle’s sides, that I couldn't help letting out a high-pitched yelp.

"Keep quiet." Aurik gave me a look. I guess he was struggling too, but his survival instincts had kicked in and he wasn't going to let anything get in his way, not even my fear.

As the cargo vehicle continued its relentless journey in no-man's-land, my nervousness increased. Where was this twisted entertainment compound? What would happen when we got there?

Cold rain splattered on my face through the small openings in the cargo vehicle. I spotted a smaller hatch near the floor and crawled towards it. What if...what if I just gave it one more try?

Making sure the shark-toothed captor wasn’t watching, I managed to pry the hatch open and felt the full force of the rain pouring outside. The ground below seemed to move so fast, but it was better than letting aliens take me to what had to be an awful place.

Here I go. I prepared myself to jump out into the storm. Before I could even try, a strong hand snatched me back, pushing me against the wall of the vehicle. Aurik’s eyes filled with concern and annoyance.

"I told you, all you're setting up to do is get yourself killed."

"I'll take my chances out there." I tried to wiggle free from his grip.

"You won't survive." Aurik glanced towards the open hatch and the raging storm outside. "You're a fragile human and have no way of contacting help. Even if you do, how will you survive until they come when you have no food or shelter?"

"Thanks for the pep talk," I shot back. "Sure, some of us aren't all muscley like you. You probably can slug your way out of this gladiator ring, but the last time I threw a punch was when a boy pulled my hair in second grade."

Aurik's lips twitched, and for a moment I thought he might laugh. "We'll find another way."

His hand on my shoulder felt heavy, an anchor keeping me from bolting toward the hatch again. As if sensing my thoughts, he tightened his grip. Loose strands of my hair got caught in his armband, tethering me further to him.

"Stay here," he ordered, his voice firm but gentle as he untangled my hair. His fingers lingered on the strands, brushing against my neck and sending heat trailing down my spine.

"I find it hard to believe my options are better going to this Korga guy’s compound.”

"Sonya." Out of nowhere, Aurik leaned closer, so our breaths mingled in the air. "Do you trust me to kiss you?"

I stared at him, wondering if space travel affected my hearing. "Why would I? We just met."

"If it doesn't work, feel free to punch me like you did in the combat days of your youth."

I couldn't tell if he was joking or serious. "Fine," I conceded, my voice barely above a whisper. "I’ll trust you for one moment."