Page 23 of Sinful Secrets

“Bambi…” I start but she holds up her hand, stopping me, turning her attention to Rip.

“Everything you want to know I will tell you, once I've told you I want your word that you take me somewhere else, anywhere but near him,” she seethes.

“Bambi, I...” Her gaze snaps to mine.

“NO! You do not talk to me ever again,” she yells.

“I will do my best, but it may take a couple of weeks,” Rip offers.

“You get me somewhere else to stay today or I won’t talk,” she bargains, her head held high and her shoulders back. I want to smile, I want to kiss her. My quiet shy Bambi standing up to the President of the Satan’s, but I can’t.

“Let me make some calls.” Rip smirks, even he's impressed by her courage. He walks out of the cabin, leaving us alone. I move to her but she steps back, looking anywhere but at me. Fuck if that doesn’t hurt.

“Bambi, please look at me,” I beg. Her big, beautiful doe eyes come to mine; I can see the pain behind them that I caused. “Listen, I didn’t use you. I swear I didn’t. I like you a lot. I… Fuck! It was more, it was… shit, I'm not good with this shit. You know that.”

“What? So it’s normal for you to practically run to the bathroom after sex? It’s normal for you to slam the door, to not speak to the person for three days afterwards?” she snaps back.

“No. Fuck no. Well, the not speaking part is a given, I never call them back usually,” I mutter, her eyes going wide. “Shit, fuck… I don’t know how to explain it to you,” I stress and grip my hair.

“I think you’ve said it perfectly,” she states. I watch as a lone tear falls down her cheek and I reach forward to wipe it, but she slaps my hand away and turns and leaves me stood there in the cabin.

I rub my face, wondering what the fuck I do now. Rip walks back in and he sighs. “You fucked up big time with her, brother, and you're gonna have to live with that. Unless you decide to do something about it.” He pauses. “She will be staying with Rose and I, and heads up, Rose is pissed at you, so be prepared for that.”

“Yeah, I figured Flo would have my ass. You need me to ride her down to yours?” I ask.

“No, got Golem bringing the truck up. She's refusing to come in the cabin, so I'm guessing I was right that you fucked her and have been a dick since, and then she happens to walk in on our conversation?” Rip asks.

“You’re pretty much right.” I sigh.

“Fuck. Well, if you want her to be yours, I suggest you pull your head outta your ass and do something about it soon, because a girl like that ain’t gonna be free for long,” Rip states, walking back out the cabin.

I just sit, thinking about her and about how I can fix it, but I can’t. I can’t tell her I love her because the truth is I don’t. I like her a lot, fuck do I, but that ain’t enough.

I hear the truck pull up and walk out to her. “Talitha,” I call and she pauses before getting in the truck, turning to me.

“I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry,” I apologise. “Keep safe and I will see you around.”

“Oh, brother,” I hear Rip mutter under his breath.

“See me around? See me around? Is that all you have to say is that you’re sorry and you’ll see me around?!” she seethes, tears falling down her face and my chest hurting at seeing that I'm causing her this pain. “God forgive me for this,” she says, looking up at the sky before her eyes come to mine. “Fuck you! Fuck you, Khan!” she yells before getting in the back of the truck and slamming the door behind her.

“Nice move, brother,” Rip says, slapping me on the back. “You’ve just made a strict religious cult bitch swear.” He laughs, getting on his bike. “You seriously need to learn how to deal with women.” He tuts. “Meet me at the club at six,” he orders before riding off.

I turn around and slam my fist hard in the tree. My knuckle cracks and blood pours from them, but I don’t care, I welcome the pain. I make quick work packing up my bag and lock up behind me. I get on my bike, and I don’t look back, I need to get back to normal club life, my old life, without Talitha.

* * *

“You absolute fucking moron!” Flow yells from behind me.

“Ah, I see your old lady has spoken to Talitha.” I sigh, downing a shot of whiskey. I turn around on my chair and open my arms wide, smiling.

“Hey, Flo, I missed you, give me some lovin’,” I slur.

“You’re drunk?! Why are you drunk? I don’t think someone broke your heart, you just got what you wanted, isn’t that right, you… you bellend!” Flo screeches at me.

“Rose, sweetheart, calm down,” Rip warns. Her angry stare whips to him, giving him a glare that would make any grow man shit their pants. He holds his hands up in surrender.

“Sorry, brother, you can fight this one on your own, I’d like to keep my dick in one piece,” Rip mutters to me as he stands, kissing her. “Don’t sass me, woman, in front of my brothers or I will tan that ass,” he warns. Her eyes alight and she smiles.