Page 24 of Sinful Secrets

“Is that a threat or a promise?” She winks. Rip growls deep in his throat and kisses her before walking away.

“See, it’s all okay, you're happy now. We can all just be friends and get along,” I sing. Her smile immediately falls, and the death glare returns. Shit.

She sits on the stall next to me, and stares at me. I stare back and shrug my shoulders. “Don’t be mad at me, Flo,” I whine.

“Oh, I'm not mad at you,” she states.

I smile. “Well that’s good then.”

“No, I'm not mad, I'm disappointed,” she adds.

“Ahh, fuck, that worse.” I sigh, downing another shot. She snatches the bottle from me.

“You don’t need that shit. If you felt fine with what you did to her then you wouldn’t be wallowing in whiskey. You love her,” she states. I jolt, feeling like I've been kicked in the gut and I shake my head. “You do, you’re just too bloody stupid to realise it. She is sat at my house right now, crying. She is crying over your dumb arse,” she rants.

I stare straight ahead, ignoring her, and I feel a hand stroke along my back. “Hey, baby, you're back. Do you want to come and have some fun? You look a little stressed out,” Candy coos. I hear Flo snarl at her.

“Fuck off, Candy,” Flo growls.

“I will if Khan here wants me to,” she says, practically shoving her tits in my face. I don’t push her away.

Flo slams her fist down on the bar. “Fine, go be with the spunk sponge! I used to think you were a better man that this, Khan. I guess I was wrong,” she hisses.

“Hey, who you calling a spunk sponge?!” Candy yells.

“Oh, piss off, whore-a-saurus!” Flo yells across the bar, making all the brothers laugh.

Chapter Fifteen


As soon as I saw Rose, I started sobbing. She is the closest thing I have to a friend at the moment. I thought Khan was my friend, maybe more, but I was wrong. I'm laid out across their sofa, and Caden––Rose’s son––keeps asking me weird questions.

“So, are you crying because there was a bad guy? Because if there was then I need to get the brothers together and secure the perimeter,” he adds, adjusting his own Satan’s Kutte.

“No, no bad guy. I'm just sad,” I answer. He sighs, sounding disappointed.

“Well, how about I call a brother to cheer you up? Khan is really funny, he always makes everyone laugh.” He smiles.

I sob more at the mention of Khan. With that, Rose walks back in. “Caden, what did you say to her to make her cry?” Rose snaps as she walks over to me.

“Nothing, I swear. I suggested I call up Khan to make her laugh then she just started crying more and making that weird wailing sound.” He defends himself. “She kind of sounds like a whale,” he adds. I sob more.

“Stop it, Caden, you're making it worse. Go and make sure the back gate is locked and secure,” Rose instructs. His eyes alight and he runs off without another word.

“Come on, lovely, it’s not that bad,” she says, pulling me up. I sniffle and wipe my eyes.

“I did everything like the movies, I did it like your book, but it wasn’t enough and now I feel a pain here and it won’t go away. I thought he loved me, but he doesn’t love me.” I sob.

“That’s enough of that shit,” Rose snaps. I stop crying and stare at her. “Sorry, I'm not good when people get overly emotional. Daisy is usually the one to deal with it. Anyway, there are things you need to learn, and one of those things is heartbreak. It sucks and it’s shitty, but the upside is that you have free rein to eat as much ice cream and chocolate as you want without judgement.” She smiles.

I wipe my eyes. “Is that really true?”

“Oh, yeah, it’s practically law.” Rose winks and then sighs. “Listen, from what you told me, Khan was honest with you, he told you he couldn’t be in a relationship.” I go to argue but she holds up her. “I'm not defending him, he behaved like a complete dick and deserves a swift kick in the nuts. What I am saying is you expected too much from him. Men are simple creatures and Khan is… Well, Khan is a breed of his own. That boy clearly has mummy issues, and those aren’t going to be fixed overnight,” she adds. “Look, for what it is worth, I really think he likes you a lot. I can’t say love because that’s got to come from him. You shouldn't give up on him yet, give it time, but make sure you make him work for it. Make him grovel.” She smiles.

“Thank you, Rose. I don’t really understand half of the stuff you just said, but I feel a little better anyway.” She throws her head back and laughs.

“Come on, let’s crack open the ice cream.” She winks.