One of my favorite songs popped up on the radio, and I turned up the volume, rocking out as I drove. About twenty minutes outside of Tonopah, I felt the car jolt. My gaze flicked to the rearview mirror. Behind me, the black truck revved its engine, gunning toward me a second time.
I pressed down on the gas pedal, picking up speed. This lunatic was trying to kill me!
With a shaky finger, I pushed the phone symbol on the steering wheel. “Call Dex.”
“Calling Dex,” the robotic, husky female voice replied.
The line rang five times before Grim answered. “Babe?”
“Someone is following me from the airport.”
“A guy is wearing a hoodie, and I can’t see his face. He’s driving a black truck. Grim, he hit the back bumper once already.”
“Fuck, babe. Stay calm. Where are you?”
“Too far out,” I screamed as the guy hit me again, a little harder than last time. “Dex!”
“Trish, hold on, baby. I’m riding out right now!”
“What about Creed?”
Yeah, I needed to know my son was safe at that moment.
“He’s good. Sasha is with him.”
Sasha. Thank fuck.
Flashing lights appeared as the high beams switched on behind me, glaring through the rearview mirror. It hurt my eyes as I tried to focus on the road.
“Where are you, Trish?”
The rumble of motorcycles came through the line.
“About five miles out.”
“We’re on our way. You keep drivin’, baby. Hear me? You’ll see me real soon.”
“Okay.” The tremor in my voice betrayed my anxiety.
Glancing at the truck, I noticed he had slowed down. The vehicle became smaller in the mirror as the distance between us grew. Before long, I could only see a black spec that disappeared into the desert.
Shaken, I bit my lip, trying to remain in control.
I saw Grim’s bike along with a half dozen other Royal Bastards. They rode fast toward me as I pressed on the brake, skidding to a halt on the side of the road.
Grim swung his bike toward me, gravel flying behind his tire as he finally stopped. I watched him lift off the seat and run toward me, flinging open the door.
I was in his arms, trembling, as he smoothed my hair, trying to calm me. “Babe.” I leaned back, staring into the face of the Reaper. With a jolt, I blinked.
“Not tryin’ to scare you.”
“I know.”
“Worried. Pissed.” The words left his lips with an inhuman growl.