Page 26 of Grim Justice

This version of Dex, the man I loved, was more Grim Reaper than biker.

“I’m scared.”

“Not anymore. I’m here. You’re safe.”


“Babe, we need to talk. I don’t know what’s happening, but you can’t go anywhere alone. Not until I figure this out. Okay? Promise me.”

His Reaper had receded once he knew I was physically unharmed. I stared into the handsome face of my biker boyfriend. Well, my old man. My rider or die. Truly, other than Creed, he was my everything.

“I promise.”

Chapter 9 Grim

“Ineed to know who the fuck this was, Xenon. Everything about this motherfucker. He’s after my woman.”

“I know, pres.”

“He fucking hit her bumper. He almost wrecked her.”

“I hear you. I’m on it. We’ll fucking get him, pres. He can’t hide for long.”

This shit was so fucked. As soon as she was safe, someone fucked with her. Unfuckingacceptable.

“You want me to keep digging about bike parts too?”

“Yeah.” I started to walk away when I spun on my heel. “Maybe they’re connected. I don’t like surprises. Don’t leave me in the fucking dark, Xenon. You’re the only one who can figure this shit out.”

“I’ll have answers for you soon,” he swore.

Yeah, not soon enough.

I returned to Trish, slipping into our apartment since I wasn’t sure if my family was awake yet. Both Trish and Creed had gone to bed, and I left them resting peacefully together on our bed while I checked in with Xenon. Other than that, I wasn’t doing anything else. My woman and my son needed me. Everyone else could fuck off.

I poked my head into the room, noting that Trish’s eyes were open. “Hey.”

She untangled herself from Creed and slid off the mattress, covering him with a blanket before walking my way. We closed the door to a crack, allowing us to hear when he woke up.

“I’ve seen that man once before,” she began. “I’m sorry I forgot to mention it. At the time, I thought it wasn’t a big deal, that maybe I was being paranoid.”

“What happened?” I asked, fixing her a cup of hot tea. I ran Earl Gray through the Keurig and set the mug in front of her, reaching into the fridge to set the sliced lemons on the counter.

She smiled as she reached for the honey and added a lemon slice. “He came to the play place the day I took Faith and the kids. They were so tired when we left. Faith had to chase Jessa to get her into the stroller. It was kinda chaotic.”

“I bet.”

“I buckled Creed in when I noticed the stranger watching me. It gave me a weird vibe, but I got distracted when my sister joined me. I looked back, and he was gone.”

“That’s bizarre,” I agreed. “What did he look like?”

“That’s just it. I couldn’t say. Average build. Broad shoulders. Maybe six feet tall. He wore a gray hoodie that disguised his features. I didn’t see his face. He wore gloves, too.”

Fuck. This sounded like a pro. He gave her nothing to go on—no distinguishing marks or characteristics. No tattoos. She didn’t know his hair or eye color or even his nationality.

Who the fuck had a vendetta against me?

My Reaper was growing fucking pissed. He almost lost his shit when we rolled up to the SUV and saw her shaking, gripping the steering wheel because she was so fucking scared.