“You like?” I ask as I try to give him a thorough idea of what being uncut is like while simultaneously trying not to lose my shit because damn... This is fucking epic.
“Holy shit.” Cam braces a hand on my shoulder and leans forward until his head is resting against mine, both of us staring at how our bodies align to form what looks like a footlong dick. “It does feel like silk. How are you not hard all the time with this rubbing all over you?”
“You get used to it, I guess?” I move my hand so Cam, fingers twitching against the base of his cock, can take a turn rubbing me all over his head. And fuck…even though he’s doing the exact same thing I was, it feels a million times better when it’s his hand doing all the work, and I can just stand here and enjoy having my dick played with.
“It doesn’t hurt?” he asks as he stretches me over his tip.
I shake my head without pulling it away from his. “It makes my dick tingle, and my balls feel heavy, but it doesn’t hurt. Don’t pinch it,” I rush to add, “but you can squeeze harder and jerk us, and it’ll probably feel incredible.”
Who would’ve thought coaching someone through a hand job and watching my dick like it’s part of a science experiment would be just as hot as the research I’ve been doing lately?
I don’t have time to marvel over that realization before the pressure on my shaft increases exponentially, and starts sliding over my length.
“Holy—” I gasp and spread my legs apart for balance as Cam’s fist starts pumping us, a bolt of desire shooting from my tip to my nuts as the pressure threatens to level me.
Dear God, this feels phenomenal.
The strength of his grip and the speed of his hand are only a sample of the raw power I know he’s capable of, and while it feels un-fucking-believable, we’ve already come this far, and I can take everything he has to give. I want it.
“Harder, Cam. Faster.”
His biceps flex enticingly as he works his fist over our lengths, our combined precum seeping out over our shafts to ease the glide. The moisture is like a siren call to the nerves in my dick, making it so that the rest of my body feels numb while my cock feels ready to combust.
Pleasure coils at the base of my shaft as Cam works it relentlessly, squeezing and stroking and pulling like he’s possessed, which I suppose might be true for both of us considering our current state. But fuck, if I don’t love this, feeling my dick rub against his while his hand jacks me to within an inch of my life.
Cam’s hand is my new guilty pleasure, and if I’m not careful I could become an addict.
A startled gasp is the only warning I have before my cock is suddenly drenched in warm, slick liquid. Despite a near feral groan that I can only assume means he’s found nirvana, Cam doesn’t falter, pumping through his ecstasy and spreading his cum all over my shaft.
The knowledge that my best friend just jizzed all over my dick has me moaning through my own release, and it’s only because he has the presence of mind to steady me with a hand to the hip that my knees don’t buckle completely.
Breathing ragged, legs shaky, heart pounding, I can do little more than stare at our footlong dick as the aftershocks reverberate through me. That definitely needs to happen again. I’ve never been so thoroughly sated, and we didn’t even have actual sex, something I’m infinitely more open to now.
“That’s a lot of cum.” Cam is the first to find his voice.
It’s a little shaky, but I’m gonna pretend that’s because he came so hard and not because he’s freaked out. Manifesting normalcy or whatever.
“Fuck yeah it is,” I chuckle in agreement, wrapping my hand around the base of my softening cock and pulling back enough that I can release his tip from my hold. “Wasn’t expecting so much but I guess that’s high praise, right?” I pluck a handful of tissues from the box on my desk and hold some out to Cam.
“Guess so.” He takes a few and starts wiping himself off. “Is foreskin envy a thing, because if so, I think I have it.”
“If you had one you could wrap me up the same way I did you, and if we jack off like that all the precum is supposed to make it feel like a flashlight.”
“You mean a fleshlight?”
“Yeah, whatever. You might’ve cost me a few brain cells just now.” I finish wiping and toss the used tissues in the trash as I fix my pants.
“I cost you? It was your show, remember?”
“Take the compliment, Camelot.”
“And what was that compliment, exactly?” He tosses his trash out and tucks himself away. “That I made you stupid?”
“Not stupid, momentarily lacking my baseline intelligence. That, and you have a nice dick.”
“Jesus.” He half-laughs, half-chokes. “Well, I’m glad it met your approval. Think you’re capable of using the head on your shoulders to finish your homework, or is the one in your pants still in charge?”
“All set, Camelot.” Somehow, I manage to merely sit instead of flat out collapse into my desk chair.