Page 34 of Drift Would

He monitored their surroundings as they ran.

My contact finally arrived. Cure relayed that update through a private transmission line. The medic didn’t sound happy about the situation.

Is there a problem? If his friend required assistance, he would provide it.

Drift’s gaze fixed on his female’s back. Doing that would create challenges. He suspected the moment he left his little human’s side, she would try to escape him.


That couldn’t happen.

But he wouldn’t abandon Cure.

She’s human. The medic paused. And female.

Oh. Drift bit back a laugh.

I can handle this. Cure’s reply was edged with resignation.

Handle it carefully. Drift smothered his amusement. I have visual confirmation the Humanoid Alliance is operating on the planet.

Include me on your communication with Captain. Cure assumed that would happen.

And he was correct. That relay of information had to occur.

I’ll update him at sunrise. There was no urgency for the debrief, however. And Drift wanted to focus on his female and her safety now. You’ll be included in that information relay.

Thank you. Cure ended the transmission.

Drift’s full attention returned to his female, protecting her, ensuring no one detected them or the bodies he was carrying.

They reached the last of the structures.

If Drift was unencumbered, he’d scoop his female up in his arms, secure her high against his chest and run at cyborg speed along the empty pathway.

He projected his speed loving genetic match would like that.

And there were categories in the speed records for beings conveying other beings. They could try break a few of those.

But Drift was carrying the two dead humans. His shoulders and his arms were full.

He, instead, jogged behind his female at her slower pace. And he continued to monitor the space around them, looking for hostiles.

There were no human or humanoid lifeforms near them. Lizards hunted insects in the dark. A small feathered flying creature glided high above their heads.

When they had progressed 84.1258 percent of the way along the final pathway, they passed yet another cave and a metallic scent teased Drift’s nostrils.

He reached out and touched his female’s arm. That physical contact with her soothed some of the tension building within him. “I’ll meet you at the mounted transport.” He spoke at levels only she, with her human auditory system, should have been able to detect.

She nodded and continued to run.

He turned and doubled back to the cave. The metallic scent intensified as he entered it. Energy levels that would’ve damaged his human female swept over him. An orange glow lit the space.

A fissure stretched across the rock floor. He approached the edge of that gap. His visual system adjusted to the brightness. Molten ore ran like a river below him.

According to the databases, the substance was Belel 6 Uraninite. Drift projected it was the monster-maker ore his female had referred to.

He set the males down on the rock beside him. They were sporting handhelds. And the Humanoid Alliance, if they looked into the males’ disappearance, might track the final communications their beings had made.