Page 33 of Drift Would

Once they disposed of the bodies, he projected they’d breed. He breathed in her tantalizing aroma. After he’d defended her, his female’s need had increased and her suspicion had decreased. That boded well for his prospects.

If breeding with his female didn’t happen during the current planet rotation, he would wait until she was ready to take that step. They had an almost endless lifespan to finalize their bond.

Though, admittedly, he preferred to go fast…in all areas. And, more importantly, if he bred with his human, she would sport his nanocybotics and any damage she incurred during confrontations with the Humanoid Alliance would then be more easily repaired.

His female was brave. And daring. And it would be a challenge to safeguard her adequately.

He wouldn’t fail her. “Where are we disposing of the bodies?” He picked up one of dead Humanoid Alliance males and slung that corpse over his right shoulder.

His female tried to lift the other male. “Ugh.” She huffed. “He’s too heavy for me to move on my own.”

“I’ve got this.” Drift draped that male over his left shoulder.

His female gazed up at him. She blinked once, twice. “Okay.” She shook her head as though to clear it. “There are caves near where we parked. The Invaders don’t enter those spaces. They’re afraid of them. And, if we dispose of the bodies in there, a fissure might eventually open up and the exposed monster-maker ore will dissolve them.”

Or Drift could simply find a cave with an open fissure and ensure they were dissolved. But he’d do that on his own. His little human was fragile, and that being-dissolving ore might damage her.

“But we can’t be seen transporting them there.” She stared down at the dried blood on the pathway. “The insects will soon erase those marks.”

The little creatures were already crawling over the crimson stain.

“No one will see us, my female.” He waved one of his hands before him. “Lead and I’ll follow.”

He’d follow her to the ends of the universe if that was needed. Preferably in a ship sporting powerful engines and a sleek design.

Similar to her. His lips curled upward as he trailed her through the settlement. She might be wearing baggy garments now but he’d felt her form during their ride. His female had no drag on her.

Though, being human, she wouldn’t break his on-booted-feet speed records.

Very few cyborgs could do that.

His female moved slowly and cautiously. He matched his pace to hers.

She also didn’t have his monitoring systems.

He sensed activity in front of them and used that excuse to grasp her right hand.

The skin-on-skin contact calmed him.

It seemed to have the opposite impact on his female. She frowned at him.

He tilted his head toward the lifeforms he detected.

She looked in that direction. Her shoulders lowered. And her lush lips softened.

Orange-skinned, dark-haired humanoids scurried by them, along an intersecting pathway. Their expressions were fearful.

That was a logical and prudent reaction to have. The Humanoid Alliance tortured and killed the local populations of every planet they inhabited.

His female waited until they passed. Then she slipped her hand out of Drift’s grip and dashed across the pathway.

He followed her.

She continued moving in the general direction of their mounted transport. His clever little human didn’t travel in a straight line toward that destination. That might lead beings to that location. She crisscrossed back and forth, seeking to lose any hostiles who might be pursuing them.

Blood from the corpses was dripping down Drift’s body armor-covered back. He looked behind him. But he wasn’t leaving a trail. The parched air on the planet dried the rivulets before they reached his boots. No one would be able to track them that way.

His female shouldn’t be in danger. And if she was, he’d protect her.