Page 77 of Strike Zone

She emphasized how key Strike had been to the rescue mission, how she likely would have died if he hadn’t been by her side.

That won him her mom’s enthusiastic approval.

“I want to accompany Strike on the mission to find the source of the sound.” Kesser linked her fingers with his. “We could be gone for a while.”

Her mom looked away from them for a couple moments.

Fates. Kesser inhaled deeply, counted to ten, and exhaled.

The time apart from her mom would be hard. On both of them.

But she had to do it. She wanted to be with her male.

“You’ll communicate when you can?” Her mom sniffled.

“We’ll try to communicate every planet rotation.” Kesser’s eyes burned with unshed tears.

Her cyborg hugged her to his big form.

“And you’ll keep her safe, young male?” Her mom addressed Strike.

“I’d protect your daughter with my lifespan, Global Minister.” He made that vow.

“To you, I’m Kesser’s mom.” Her mom’s smile was forced. “And when you get back from this mission, know that you’ll have a role on Syndiculous 5. We’ll need a being to help smooth our relations with Powlus Zetus, a warrior who can speak their language.” She sighed. “Especially as it seems we have to locate a new Minister of Defense.”

Kesser suggested some candidates for that role. They chattered.

Her mom then had to end the communications. She was attending a formal function that shift. But they arranged to talk for a longer time when she returned from the event.

She wasn’t losing her mom. Kesser reassured herself as she turned on her cyborg’s lap. Their relationship was merely shifting to adjust for the physical distance between them.

And it was adjusting for Strike. She snuggled against his body armor-clad chest. It would be the three of them going forward. Their family had grown.

She smiled. That was a reason for celebration.


Strike’s female was fearless.

And she was his.

He was humbled by her willingness to undertake the mission with him. She was risking her lifespan to remain by his side. And his clever little human processed that.

During the mission, she would also be physically separated from her much-loved mom. He stroked his female’s curls back from her beautiful face. That distance between them would emotionally damage her.

He would prefer to die rather than damage any part of her.

But not locating the source of the pulsing sound, a sound he was now 85.1475 percent certain was caused by a weapon, could kill her and every other being he cared about.

That threat, if it existed, had to be neutralized. The weapon had to be destroyed.

And you’re the only being who can destroy that weapon? Tsadok’s words repeated in his processors.

Most of his brethren would kill for an opportunity to take on that mission. Those warriors hadn’t found their genetic matches. They wouldn’t have a fragile human female they’d be placing in danger.


Ships were detected on the monitoring systems. Numerous ships.