Page 76 of Strike Zone

“You didn’t allow him to use you.” Her cyborg’s tone contained pride. “You’re clever and brave, and loyal and kind, my female.”

He grabbed a cleaning cloth from the console, snapped the fabric to refresh it, and brushed the square gently over her cheeks.

“I’m also lucky.” She tilted her face upward, savoring his tender care. “Because I didn’t realize Talley’s dad was attempting to use me.”

“Luck is an input in every mission.” He kissed the tip of her nose.

She blinked. “It’s an input in every relationship too. Because I’m lucky to have you as my male.” Kesser beamed at him. “Thank you for making me feel better about lying to my mom.”

That had been bothering her.

She turned to face the main viewscreen. “I’m ready, my male.”

There was a chance her mom wouldn’t be available to chatter. She was very busy, running the entire planet. Her schedule was full, and?—

An image of her mom’s face appeared on the main viewscreen. “I was just thinking about you, Kesser, and…” Her eyes widened. “Who is that young male with you?” Lines appeared on her mom’s forehead. “And where are you? It looks like you’re on a ship.”

Fates, her mom was observant.

“The young male with me is Strike.” She smiled over her shoulder at him. “He’s a cyborg warrior and a very nice being.”

He rumbled.

“And we are on a ship.” Kesser returned her gaze to the main viewscreen and the footage of her mom. “We’re currently orbiting Powlus Zetus.”

Her mom’s lips parted.

“And we’re perfectly safe.” She rushed to reassure her. “We’re?—”

“Oh yes.” Talley’s screams filled the bridge. “Use those tusks on me, you hunky male, you.”

Kesser’s cheeks heated. “Talley is also on the ship.”

“I heard her.” Her mom’s tone was dry.

Strike’s chest shook against Kesser’s back. The cursed male was laughing at the situation.

“Tsadok, the Powluk’s Second Zetus, is with her.” Kesser leaned closer to the main viewscreen, and she lowered her voice. “They’ve formed a partnership.”

“That’s a development.” Her mom leaned forward also. “Does her dad know about it?”

Kesser thought about that question for a moment. “He knows about it.” He had Talley and Tsadok abducted together. Her friend’s dad must’ve known about their relationship. “Can Talley stay with us for a while? Tsadok has to speak to his parents, and that’s best done alone. He?—”

“Boink me against the wall, warrior.” Talley was loud with her fucking instructions.

“I’m filtering out the background noise from the communications, my female.” Strike tapped his fingertips against the control panel embedded in the console.

“Thank you.” Kesser’s mom shook her head. “I don’t need to hear all that.”

Talley howled.

“You’re very fortunate not to hear it.” Kesser rubbed her hands over her face.

Her cyborg laughed silently.

“Back to your question.” Her mom returned to that subject. “Of course, Talley can stay with us.” She frowned. “I assume her dad doesn’t approve of your friend partnering with the Second Zetus?”

“It’s a bit more complicated than that.” Kesser then told her mom the entire story, minus all the boinking.