Page 67 of Strike Zone

That…unsettled him.

He couldn’t ask his female to accompany him. His mission was dangerous. And she held an important role, assisting her mom, the leader of her planet.

Her mom depended on his clever female. His chin lifted. She was essential to her kind.

As she was essential to him. He kissed the top of her head. Her beautifully wild and unruly curls were soft against his lips. Her form was as yielding against his body armor.

Frag. He couldn’t project how he would last one planet rotation without her. His heart ached at that prospect.

“Will you tell Tsadok’s dad about the sector-destroying weapon?” She gazed up at him.

“I’ll tell him about the pulsing sound.” The leader of Powlus Zetus might have intel about it. “And about our projections regarding the source.”

He had told the Powluk in the tunnel that information. That male’s leader deserved to be as informed.

“We can’t tell him…or my mom about the abduction.” His female nibbled on her bottom lip. “It might be best to imply they were working with us on the investigation.”

“I can’t lie.” That was beyond his capabilities as a cyborg. “But I’ll frame my information relay to lead his processing in that direction.”

“Tsadok can do the rest.” His female stopped damaging herself. “Powluks, as far as I can determine, can lie.” Red specks glittered in her brown eyes. “Which is good, because Talley is a very good liar.”

That didn’t reassure Strike. His female believed she was a competent liar and he could detect her falsehoods solely by tracking her voice inflections.

There was an 87.1256 percent probability her mom processed she was lying also. But, for some private reason, she hadn’t questioned his female’s bending of the truth.

Strike detected movement in the private chambers. His time spent alone with his female would soon end. He pushed away that disappointment. “Your friend and the male are awake.”

“Oh.” His female straightened.

“They’ve moved to the horizontal support holding the beverage containers and the nourishment bars.” He had been proud of his female for processing those needs of their guests.

“Talley eats a lot after a planet rotation of partying.” His female relaxed against him once more. “And she doesn’t like to be interrupted while she’s eating. She has ended communications because I was chattering too much during what she felt was a great nourishment bar.” She looked up at him. “The nourishment bars you have here on the ship are very good.”

He reached for a nourishment bar he’d placed on the console, unwrapped it, broke off a piece, and held it to her lips.

His female devoured it. “Fates.” She talked as she chewed. “These are so good.”

He would leave some of them with her.

Strike ate a piece of the nourishment bar and fed his female another one.

The two of them munched happily.

“Your friend and her male are approaching the bridge.” He reluctantly interrupted the shared moment.

“Oh.” His female popped the last piece of nourishment bar into her mouth, chewed vigorously, and swallowed. She then swept her hands over her flight suit and threaded her fingers through her hair. “How do I look?”

He gazed at her, not attempting to hide his admiration. “You’re the most beautiful being in the universe.” He was fortunate she was his.

She beamed at him. “You’re a good male.”

His female awarded him with a quick kiss on his chin for delivering that truth.

He blinked.

She jumped off his lap.

He projected she would have run to greet her friend if he hadn’t blocked her with his arm. “You’ll stay behind me.” Strike stood. “The two of them are chattering.” He stood protectively in front of his fragile human. “And the male isn’t convinced they’ve been rescued.”