Page 66 of Strike Zone

Kesser reached ecstasy so many times she lost count. Waves and waves of elation swept over her. Her cheeks were awash in tears of rapture.

She twisted and turned under Strike. The euphoria was too good, too right. She couldn’t…she couldn’t.

Her male finally stilled. And the vortex of fulfillment and light spinning around her slowed.

She glided on the winds of exultation for a few more moments before gradually and gently touching down on reality. “Fates.” Her arms and legs went limp. She sprawled over the console.

Her cyborg covered her form with his. His gray skin shone with the sweat from her body. The marks she’d left on his shoulders were already healing.

Soon, they’d be gone. It would be as though she’d never claimed him in that way.

A sadness fell upon Kesser. “Promise me you won’t forget me.”

Strike braced himself upward. His gaze met hers.

Energy illuminated his eyes once more.

“You’re a part of me, my female.” He frowned. “Your face, your voice, your scent—” His nostrils flared. “—are permanently programmed into my databases and in my organic memory. I would never forget you.”

She waited.

He kissed her forehead. His touch was gentle. The action was edged with caring.

It should’ve soothed her worries.

It didn’t. Because she was acutely aware of what her cyborg hadn’t relayed.

He hadn’t said he couldn’t forget her because he’d always be by her side. There had been no reassurances he wasn’t planning on leaving her.

Oh fuck. She lowered her gaze to his chin.

Her heart was in danger of being completely and irreversibly broken.


Strike bred with his female two more system-decimating times. The pleasure he experienced strained his circuits and warmed his entire form.

She slept for a few moments. He held her in his arms and reveled in the wonder of her. She was his. He was hers. His good fortune processed no bounds.

When she woke, they ate nourishment bars, and his female drank some beverage.

He assured her the friend and the friend’s male hadn’t moved in the private chambers they’d been placed in.

They bred quickly for an additional time.

After that round of ecstasy, he tidied his female’s beautiful face and curvy form with a cleaning cloth. He snapped the fabric square in the air numerous times to refresh it. And he applied the cleaning cloth to his own face and form.

His cautious human then donned her garments. He dressed in his body armor.

And she returned to his lap, snuggling against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, securing her to him, and he monitored their surroundings.

There was no activity.

They’d been orbiting Powlus Zetus for three shifts, and no one had contacted them.

His lips twisted. The Powluks were careless with their security.

His female’s planet was better at protecting their beings. But they had space for improvement also. When he left his female to continue his investigation of the pulsing sound, he couldn’t be 100.0000 percent assured of her safety.