Page 59 of Strike Zone

“I know we should talk about what you told the Powluk.” She sighed. “It has to be discussed. But I don’t think I can handle that conversation right now. A lot has happened this planet rotation. Fates. There’s a lot that still has to happen. We’re not yet back to the ship. Talley and Tsadok remain drugged out of their minds. I don’t know what we’ll tell them.” She paused. “Or what they’ll tell us when they wake up. It’s…too much.”

His little human was exhausted. Strike wished he could carry her also.

But she wouldn’t agree to that.

She would insist on walking, processing to spare him that slight effort.

“Conversations can occur later.” He, instead, granted her that reprieve.

They had a future lasting an eternity. All they truly had to do now was return to the modified freighter and then fly to safety.

“Thank you.” She smiled at him again.

His processors malfunctioned. He stumbled and then caught himself before he and his living cargo hit the ground.

“Be careful.” Her voice was edged with concern. “The ground is a bit uneven.”

The ground was 100.0000 percent stable. His female’s glowing countenance, in contrast, was a weapon more powerful than the one he had been ordered to investigate.

“Tell me about the game you and the Powluk offspring were playing.” He wanted to bask in the joy of that moment again.

Her bond with the tiny male had warmed his chest.

He could project his female playing that same way with their own offspring.

Cyborgs and human genetic matches had a 100.0000 percent probability of creating the cyborg offspring of the same model. And they had a 99.1278 percent probability of creating males.

Their son would look like him. But he might laugh like his mom.

And he would have a peaceful lifespan.

Strike would ensure their offspring never had to participate in a lifespan-threatening battle.

He would protect his female and their family.

She chattered happily about the Powluk offspring. Her recounting of the kid’s statements regarding his stealth skills drew a chuckle from Strike’s lips. Her inventiveness regarding the game earned his admiration.

It was her caring that gave him the most pleasure to experience. She had just met the offspring that planet rotation, yet he projected she would’ve fought to safeguard the little male.

His female had a loving heart. Further proof of that was draped over his shoulders. She’d risked her lifespan to save her friend and that friend’s male.

He would shield her empathetic soul from damage. Strike made that silent vow. He would guard her and the beings she cared for.

To do that, he had to ensure she lived in peaceful surroundings.

That meant leaving her for a short duration to hunt down the source of the pulsing sound. And, if that source was a weapon, destroying it and killing everyone who had the knowledge or resources to replicate it.

He didn’t like that prospect.

But it was necessary.

Sometimes the best way to forge peace was to engage in war.


After Strike had crafted that award for the Powluk boy, Kesser could no longer deny the truth.

She was in love with the cyborg.